Power Query Extension IN { "Visual Studio", "VS Code", "Others, if any?" }

Do you guys use any other editor apart from the inbuilt one for Power Query? I just started using PQ extension available in Visual Studio/VS Code and I think it solves my top problems of not being able to zoom in or format code on demand.

Only because of zoom issue I wasn’t paying much attention to PQ as it requires me to squint a lot at my screen even though my eye sight is 6/6, but I sit at least 2 feet away from the monitor.

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Ctrl+Shift+"+" will increase the window in PQ, likewse Ctrl+Shift+"-" will decrease. Though it will do the whole window not just the code. May or may not help. Though I am partial to using Visual Studio Code because it is so lightweight and just easier to navigiate than using full VS, but thats just my view. You do lose the intellisense but I guess everything is a trade-off.


I don’t - I have experimented with VS Code and Notepad++, but expect I’m going to cast my lot with Tabular Editor 3.0 as my primary editor.

However, if you’re liking VS Code, you may find this useful,


  • Brian
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I didn’t know we can use Tabular editor for PQ.

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It definitely can do that, but I haven’t gone far down that road yet, since for me not having Intellisense is a dealbreaker, but v 3.0 definitely will have that incorporated according to Marco Russo.

  • Brian

@AntrikshSharma Me as well :grinning:
But, its awesome to learn that we can do PQ editing in Tabular Editor.
Indeed this an eye-opener for me.

Thanks for the help @BrianJ & @Nick_M

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