Hi All
Just wanted to know if anyone on here could please advise on this.
Question for all:
-In Power Query (Trade Volume Table) I’ve used Date.FromText to get my Trade Week Date in the right format of a date. When i close and refresh going into into Data Model my (Trade Week Date) is on the far right, and value fileld column has 0?
Really odd…
Any ideas as to why??
Just checking on the back of this.
I did a quick COUNTROWS to make sure all rows have been loaded. This looks fine as the sum is 3,150.
Just curious regarding the column for “Trade Week Date”
Could it be that the Value column is does not have a format of a number. Currently it looks like it has an unknown format of 123ABC. But it probably should be a number.
No worries have solved it
was just a big number, so the ordering was a little off. fine now
Sam just wondering
The Enterprise DNA Learning Summit May 2018., have all the videos been uploaded into the Portal?
In the below link I can only view 3 videos.
There is only 3 at moment. I have not been able to finish the last three due to illness, but still plan to very soon. I also need to place this up on the portal which I’ll also do when all are completed. Chrs