Power BI Workout 2 - Building Relationships Between Tables

Title: Power BI Mastery: Building Relationships Between Tables


In Power BI, the ability to create relationships between tables is pivotal for creating a comprehensive data model. Delve into the nuances of building and managing relationships in this workout, and harness the full power of interconnected data.


Imagine you’re working with two tables in Power BI: one detailing product sales and another listing product information. Both tables have a column “ProductID.” How would you connect these tables to analyze sales by product attributes?


By the end of this workout, you should be able to:

  1. Understand the importance and types of relationships in Power BI.

  2. Establish one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between tables.

  3. Resolve common issues related to table relationships.

Interactive Task:

Given your understanding of Power BI, answer the following:

  1. If you want to connect the “Sales” table and the “ProductInfo” table using the “ProductID” column, which type of relationship would you likely create?

    • Your Answer: ________________________
  2. How would you ensure that the “ProductID” column in the “ProductInfo” table is unique and has no duplicates before creating the relationship?

    • Your Approach: ________________________
  3. If a relationship between tables is showing an error due to multiple matching rows, how might you address this issue?

    • Your Approach: ________________________


  1. In Power BI, what is the significance of a “one-to-many” relationship between tables?

    • i) It means each row in the first table can relate to multiple rows in the second table, but not vice versa.

    • ii) It implies that both tables can have multiple matching rows.

    • iii) It signifies that there’s only one row in the first table and many rows in the second table.

    • iv) It indicates that the relationship is based on one column only.

  2. What does the term “cardinality” refer to in the context of Power BI relationships?

    • i) The size of the data tables.

    • ii) The number of columns used to create a relationship.

    • iii) The uniqueness and matching nature of data between the related columns.

    • iv) The visual representation of relationships.

Duration: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate

Period :
This workout will be released on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, and will end on Thursday, October 05, 2023. But you can always come back to any of the workouts and solve them.

Hi @EnterpriseDNA.

Here is my solution to this workout:


  1. In Power BI, what is the significance of a “one-to-many” relationship between tables?


  • i) It means each row in the first table can relate to multiple rows in the second table, but not vice versa.
  1. What does the term “cardinality” refer to in the context of Power BI relationships?


  • iii) The uniqueness and matching nature of data between the related columns.

Interactive Task:

  1. If you want to connect the “Sales” table and the “ProductInfo” table using the “ProductID” column, which type of relationship would you likely create?

To connect the “Sales” table and the “ProductInfo” table using the “ProductID” column, you would likely create a “One-to-Many” relationship.

In this relationship:

  • The “Sales” table would be the primary table (the “One” side).
  • The “ProductInfo” table would be the related table (the “Many” side).
  • Each row in the “Sales” table (e.g., each sales transaction) can be associated with one product.
  • Each row in the “ProductInfo” table (e.g., each product) can be associated with multiple sales transactions.

This type of relationship allows you to link each sales record to the corresponding product information using the common “ProductID” column.

  1. How would you ensure that the “ProductID” column in the “ProductInfo” table is unique and has no duplicates before creating the relationship?

To ensure that the “ProductID” column in the “ProductInfo” table is unique and has no duplicates before creating the relationship in Power BI, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
  • In Power BI Desktop, go to the “Home” tab.
  • Click on “Edit Queries” to open the Power Query Editor.
  1. Select the “ProductInfo” table:
  • In the Power Query Editor, select the “ProductInfo” table from the list of tables on the left.
  1. Remove Duplicates:
  • Click on the “Remove duplicates” button in the “Home” tab of the Power Query Editor.
  • In the dialog box that appears, select the “ProductID” column as the key column for removing duplicates.
  • Click the “OK” button to remove any duplicate values from the “ProductID” column.
  1. Review and Apply:
  • Review the changes in the Power Query Editor to ensure that duplicates have been removed successfully.
  • Click the “Close & Apply” button to apply the changes and load the cleaned “ProductInfo” table into your Power BI data model.

By following these steps, you will have ensured that the “ProductID” column in the “ProductInfo” table is unique and contains no duplicates, which is a necessary prerequisite for creating a valid one-to-many relationship with the “Sales” table using the “ProductID” column.

  1. If a relationship between tables is showing an error due to multiple matching rows, how might you address this issue?


If a relationship between tables in Power BI is showing an error due to multiple matching rows, you can address this issue by taking one or more of the following actions:

  1. Review Data:
  • First, carefully review your data in both tables to understand why there are multiple matching rows. Ensure that the data in the columns used for the relationship is correct and consistent.
  1. Use a Different Column:
  • If the columns you initially chose for the relationship are not unique, consider using a different column or combination of columns that uniquely identifies each row in the related table. This can prevent multiple matching rows.
  1. Remove Duplicates:
  • If the issue is caused by duplicate values in one or both of the related columns, use Power Query to remove duplicates from the relevant columns in the affected tables. This can make the relationship unambiguous.
  1. Aggregation:
  • If removing duplicates is not an option, consider using aggregation functions (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE) to summarize the data in one of the tables before creating the relationship. This can reduce the number of matching rows.
  1. Many-to-One Relationship:
  • In some cases, you might need to change the nature of the relationship. If the “many” side of the relationship should not be counted as distinct values, consider creating a “Many-to-One” relationship instead of a “One-to-Many” relationship.
  1. Data Modeling:
  • Review your data modeling approach. Ensure that you are using the correct relationships between tables and that the tables are structured appropriately to represent your data.
  1. Data Cleansing:
  • Perform data cleansing to address any inconsistencies or errors in your data. This may involve cleaning, transforming, or refining the data in both tables to make it more suitable for analysis.
  1. Filtering:
  • Use filtering to restrict the data in one or both of the tables to only include the rows that are relevant to your analysis. This can help reduce the number of matching rows and resolve the issue.
  1. Custom Calculations:
  • Create custom calculated columns or measures in Power BI that address the specific issue you’re facing. These calculations can help you work with the data more effectively and overcome the error.
  1. Data Quality:
  • Ensure data quality practices are followed during data collection and integration to prevent duplicate or inconsistent data from entering your datasets.

By addressing these issues, you can often resolve the error related to multiple matching rows in your Power BI relationships and create meaningful and accurate reports.

Thanks for the workout.

Here is my solution to this workout:


  1. In Power BI, what is the significance of a “one-to-many” relationship between tables?


The dimension table contains unique values that can filter the fact table.

  1. What does the term “cardinality” refer to in the context of Power BI relationships?

The cardinality of the relationship means ]having unique or multiple instances per value for the joining field between two tables.

Interactive Task:

  1. If you want to connect the “Sales” table and the “ProductInfo” table using the “ProductID” column, which type of relationship would you likely create?


  1. How would you ensure that the “ProductID” column in the “ProductInfo” table is unique and has no duplicates before creating the relationship?

Use remove duplicates in power query.

  1. If a relationship between tables is showing an error due to multiple matching rows, how might you address this issue?


Review your Dimension table for duplicates in power query. At time remove duplicates won’t be enough.

Hi @EnterpriseDNA !
This is my solution for the workout;

Given your understanding of Power BI, answer the following:

  1. If you want to connect the “Sales” table and the “ProductInfo” table using the “ProductID” column, which type of relationship would you likely create?
  • Your Answer: “Productinfo” => “Sales” ; One to Many
  1. How would you ensure that the “ProductID” column in the “ProductInfo” table is unique and has no duplicates before creating the relationship?
  • Your Approach: In the modelling phase (Power QRY) check for duplicates in table “Productinfo” and “ProductID” column.
  1. If a relationship between tables is showing an error due to multiple matching rows, how might you address this issue?
  • Your Approach: See above. A cardinality of One to many is prefered in this case.


  1. In Power BI, what is the significance of a “one-to-many” relationship between tables?
  • i) It means each row in the first table can relate to multiple rows in the second table, but not vice versa.
  1. What does the term “cardinality” refer to in the context of Power BI relationships?
  • iii) The uniqueness and matching nature of data between the related columns.