Power BI Workout 1 - Importing Data from Diverse Sources

Power BI offers a wide array of connectors to pull in data from different sources, be it databases, online services, or flat files. Dive into this workout to understand the nuances of importing data into Power BI from various platforms.


Imagine you’re an analyst at a company that uses a mix of data storage solutions: SQL databases, Excel files on SharePoint, and data from Salesforce. How would you consolidate all this data into Power BI for a unified analysis?


By the end of this workout, you should be able to:

  1. Navigate the data import options in Power BI.

  2. Connect to different data sources, from databases to cloud platforms.

  3. Address common challenges faced during the data import process.

Interactive Task:

Given your understanding of Power BI, answer the following:

  1. If you want to import data from an SQL Server database, which connector would you initiate in Power BI?

    • Your Answer: ________________________
  2. How would you connect Power BI to an Excel file stored on SharePoint?

    • Your Approach: ________________________
  3. When connecting to Salesforce, what information might you need to establish the connection?

    • Your Answer: ________________________


  1. In Power BI, if you’re connecting to a large dataset and only need a subset of the data for analysis, which feature allows you to define a specific query to fetch only the required data?

    • i) Data Subsetter

    • ii) Data Snippet

    • iii) Native Database Query

    • iv) Query Limiter

  2. When importing data from Excel into Power BI, which of the following can you directly connect to and load?

    • i) Worksheets

    • ii) Named ranges

    • iii) Table objects

    • iv) All of the above

Duration: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate

This workout will be released on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, and will end on Thursday, September 28, 2023. But you can always come back to any of the workouts and solve them.

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HI @EnterpriseDNA,

Please find my solution to this workout:


  1. In Power BI, if you’re connecting to a large dataset and only need a subset of the data for analysis, which feature allows you to define a specific query to fetch only the required data?
  • iii) Native Database Query
  1. When importing data from Excel into Power BI, which of the following can you directly connect to and load?
  • iv) All of the above

Interactive Task:

  1. If you want to import data from an SQL Server database, which connector would you initiate in Power BI?

To import data from an SQL Server database in Power BI, you would typically initiate the “SQL Server” connector. This connector allows you to connect to your SQL Server database and import data for analysis in Power BI.

  1. How would you connect Power BI to an Excel file stored on SharePoint?

To connect Power BI to an Excel file stored on SharePoint, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Click on “Get Data” from the Home tab or the “Home” section of the Power BI Desktop interface.
  3. In the “Get Data” window, select “Online Services” on the left-hand side.
  4. Choose “SharePoint Online List” or “SharePoint Folder,” depending on your specific SharePoint setup and the way the Excel file is stored.
  5. Click the “Connect” button.
  6. In the SharePoint Online List dialog or SharePoint Folder dialog, enter the URL of your SharePoint site and the credentials required to access the site. You may need to sign in with your SharePoint account.
  7. After successfully connecting to SharePoint, you can navigate to the location of your Excel file within the SharePoint site and select it.
  8. Power BI will then prompt you to choose the specific Excel file you want to connect to. Select the file you wish to import and click “OK” or “Load.”
  9. You can then select the specific tables, sheets, or named ranges from the Excel file that you want to import into Power BI.
  10. Click the “Load” button to load the selected data into your Power BI model.

Your Excel data from SharePoint will now be available in Power BI for analysis and visualization. Remember to refresh the data in Power BI when the Excel file on SharePoint is updated to ensure that your reports and dashboards reflect the latest information.

  1. When connecting to Salesforce, what information might you need to establish the connection?

When connecting to Salesforce in Power BI or any other application, you typically need the following information to establish the connection:

  1. Salesforce Username and Password: Your Salesforce username and password are required to authenticate and access your Salesforce data. You may also need to provide your security token, which is generated in Salesforce and acts as an additional password for authentication.
  2. Security Token: As mentioned, the security token is required for authentication if your Salesforce organization has this security feature enabled. You can generate a security token in your Salesforce account settings.
  3. Salesforce Environment (Production or Sandbox): You need to specify whether you are connecting to a production Salesforce environment or a sandbox environment. The connection details can vary between these environments.
  4. API Version: Salesforce has different API versions, and you may need to specify the API version you want to use for your connection. Power BI typically provides options to select the API version during the setup process.
  5. Authentication Method: Power BI allows you to choose from different authentication methods, such as username/password, OAuth 2.0, or Single Sign-On (SSO). The method you choose will affect the information you need to provide.
  6. Security Settings: Depending on your Salesforce organization’s security settings, you may need to configure additional settings or permissions to allow Power BI to access your data. This might involve configuring remote site settings or setting up trusted IP ranges in Salesforce.
  7. API Access Permissions: Ensure that the Salesforce user account you use for the connection has the necessary permissions and access rights to the Salesforce objects and data you want to retrieve.
  8. Proxy Server Configuration (if applicable): If your organization uses a proxy server for internet access, you may need to configure proxy settings in Power BI to establish the connection through the proxy.

The specific steps and information required may vary depending on the method you choose for connecting to Salesforce (e.g., using a Salesforce connector, OAuth, or custom authentication), so it’s essential to follow the documentation or guidance provided by Power BI for Salesforce integration to ensure a successful connection.

Thanks for the workout.