Power BI user licenses

The workspace is pro license mode.
I create reports and publish them to workspace and then I update the app which the users view the reports…
In each report app, I have assigned the users email address and so the user can see the report.
TO any user required to see the report we givem him/her pro license.
The users view the report and nothing more.
Is pro the only license the user should have ? am I doing the right thing to give the user pro license to be able to view the reports?
if the users are given free power bi license they are not able to view the reports?

Basically it looks like with the pro license the user can edit the pages in the app, etc whereas I want the users only to be able to view

What should I do exactly for the users licenses, etc to get this right?

Thank you

Contact Microsoft or check the website for Microsoft. the information would be there.


As @Keith indicated, the Microsoft site is the place to go. They keep changing things. For that reason, I went poking around since our company has different groups acquiring different licensing.

The main link to use is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/enterprise/service-admin-purchasing-power-bi-pro. But I actually got there from the following link in a Power BI workspace:

Note that the text says a Pro workspace needs Pro licenses for its users. But there is now also a free trial for Fabric license. Also note that there are now MANY different license modes (there only used to be 2-3).

Here are the various roles you can assign a user to within the workspace:

Viewer would be the one you want for read-only access. Here is a link that describes the different roles in detail: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-roles-new-workspaces

That should cover it!


Thank you for the note.
Do you mean, for a user to have read-only access to a report (user has pro license), I can take him out of the uers list in that report and add him to workspace user as viewer only?

Yes, that should work, and it also appears to be the only way within the workspace to do that.

There are also the published Power BI apps, which appear to be read-only by default and are designed for broad distribution of the report. I use an app to publish the main Power BI service report that I built. You can grant access to the app for people who do not otherwise have access to the workspace. I can’t find a clear answer on whether app usage also requires a Pro license.

I also found the following when looking for user config options with the Power BI app. I would definitely start with the app approach if you just want users to have read-only access to one or more reports (NOTE: one app per workspace, but you can pick and choose which reports are actually included in the app).


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