Power BI User Guide (generic) in PDF/Word

Hi Champions!

This is my first query here so if I create some errors then please forgive. :slight_smile:

I have just been tasked to make a ‘power Bi user guide’ for lay person at an organisation. This required to be in word for very generic issues, like ‘how to click on filters’ different type of slicers, how to navigate through block slicers etc.

I’m a bit lost because the topics can be many. The end users are very much newbies and have never used power bi Reports (seniors).

So this is what they require. Does anyone here have such report or user guide or at least some samples which I can go through?..Thx!

Hi @arslan.rana

Please refer to Microsoft documentation - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/consumer/

You will get ideas, screenshot,s and content to make a Business User Guide

Please let me know if above information helps you and if you have any question

Best Regards

Thanks. This does help a bit here. Although im still looking for very basic information on different types of filters and how to click on them.