Power BI Service Visual header--More Options disappears

HI Team,

In Power BI Service When I Click the three dots on Visual header then choose More Options, i can see the options but it disappears vary quickly and pages panel on the left side is also flickering

this issue occurred in Power BI services only not in Desktop.

previously My Report work fine but recently, i am facing this issue

when i try with Internet explorer then it’s work fine only not working in MS edge and chrome browsers.

what is causing the issue?

Thanks in advance!
More Option Disapper

Thanks Team, This issue just yesterday occured now i don’t see any issue
might be due to yesterday Google Chrome update that will fixed.

Tested in Firefox and Chrome on a handful of my reports, and not seeing this issue.

does the header overlap another visual perhaps?

Thanks for your,

This issue just yesterday occured now i don’t see any issue
might be due to yesterday Google Chrome update that will fixed.


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