Power BI Service - Personalization and Bookmarks

I’ve been experimenting with personalization of visuals in the Power BI Service. I have a situation where the customer has tens of measures plus up to twelve different “row” values they would ideally like to add in or remove. So it seems that personalization solves this problem. My concern is how these bookmarks are persisted once they are created. If the customer spends time creating ten different versions of the report (and, given that at the moment personalization only allows you to add or remove one field at a time, it’s a slow process) how easy would it be to accidentally delete them? Or is there a way we, the developers, could do something that might make the users lose their bookmarks?

So in summary:

Where does the service store bookmarks of personalized reports, and,
How persistent are they?

Any input appreciated.

my understanding of personal bookmarks is that they are unique to the user, and I don’t think there is any way for the report designer to impact those bookmarks.

Here is the documentation from MS on bookmarks in the PowerBi service:

Note that bookmarks can’t be shared between users, and there is a limit of 20 personal bookmarks per report (I believe this means per user)

I have not found any mention of where the bookmarks are saved, but it seems logical this is part of the individual user profile

I HAVE seen a couple of mentions of users losing their personal bookmarks if an updated version of a report is posted - so that would probably be your biggest risk.


That’s great Heather, thanks for that. As you say, the loss of bookmarks would be the main issue.

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