Power BI Refresh Dataset by Button - manually

Hi! Maybe someone of you know how to create a button on the Power BI report to refresh Dataset manually by clicking on the button?

Hi @Vladas

If I have understood your requirement correctly then you could save your time by not creating a button.
So you can ideally go with the button already available to refresh your data if you are using PBI desktop. If you are referring to service then also you can set the scheduled refresh and your data will be refreshed as per your need i.e. on an hourly basis, every day of every month whatever is your requirement.

Hope it answers your question,


@kkrj.ankit Thanks for your message. The problem is that we have limitations 8 times per day :slight_smile: So I want to create a “refresh button” on the report that users could refresh the dataset self on the app when they need to have updated data.

Creating Button to refresh - great idea but currrently no option as such in PowerBI.
You can include this in PowerBI Ideas

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Hi @Vladas

Please look at the Power BI april update.

Relative time filter can fix your problem.


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