Power BI Desktop

I am running PBI Desktop Version: 2.85.985.0 64-bit (September 2020). It was installed 3 days ago.

Since I installed that version it seems that I have to login up to 4 or 5 times a day. This never happened in the past.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or has Microsoft given a new “feature enhancement”


I’ve also noticed in the Service that my Favorites have a 50-50 chance of populating.

Anyone else seeing this.



I’m running the following version, which I downloaded the day the September 2020 update came out.

Version: 2.85.681.0 64-bit (September 2020)

I still have the installer file, which I can send you if you want to roll back to this version, since I’ve experienced none of the problems you mentioned.

– Brian

Thanx @BrianJ I rolled back with the file you sent.

Let’s see what happens today.


@GuyJohnson Consider installing PBI Desktop from Microsoft App Store right from your windows menu (In case you have Windows 10 OS).

I got rid of many issues by doing this small thing. :blush:

@quantumudit Actually I was using the version from the App Store when this issue popped up

@BrianJ @quantumudit Just getting back to everyone.

Rolling back the the September version from Brian didn’t help to resolve the situation. I uninstalled it and went back to the App from the Windows Store and things seem much better now The PBI App required only 2 sign-ins yesterday and so far today none.

Guess this is solved - at least for now.

Thanx for the assistance


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Still seeing the Service only displaying my favorites about 50% of the time.


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Hi @GuyJohnson, please don’t forget if your question has been answered within the forum it is important to mark your thread as ‘solved’.

Marked one of the replies as the Solution
