Power BI Desktop Running out of space

Dear Experts

I have a problem of running out of space in C: drive , I solved the problem temporary by un-installing and Installing power bi in Drive (E:) that have larger volume with enough spase but the problem still not sure , I found 2 Folders in C: drive here is the complete path of them:

C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Temp (300 MB)

C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Microsoft (55 GB)

I need to move the cash or those power bi on (c) subfoders into E: drive but I’m not sure is this will cause a problems for Power bi desktop or not ? Is there a way in Power bi setting to store the cash in another drive or folder (E: in my case)?

Your kind advise is appreciated.

Hi there,
Sounds to me that you might need a bigger hard drive and/or more ram on your computer.

Another route is to Defragment the hard drive

To clean up files on your hard drive :

  1. Choose Start→Control Panel→System and Security. The Administrative Tools window appears.
  2. Click Defragment Your Hard Drive . The Disk Defragmenter dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Analyze Disk button. …
  4. When the analysis is complete, click the Defragment Disk button. …
  5. Click Close.

Sometimes that will help.


Hi @MAAbdullah47 , did the response provided by @Keith help you solve your query?

If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further?

If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.

Hi @Keith

Please check the screenshot below:

I’m not able to do Analyse because the key is disabled may be because I have to run it as Admin?
how I run control pannel as admin?

Also you didn’t answer on my previous question shall I move the C:\ Power bi cash safely to (E:) drive?
Also I re-install power bi desktop from (c:) to (E:) is that means previous archive of power bi safely can move (delete) to (E:)?
Is their a way to setup the cash of power bi to (E:) drive other than c: drive?

HI @MAAbdullah47

Yes you need run as Admin.

As for moving to a different drive i don’t think that will really matter. All your programs files should be associate being on your main drive. (C:)

This might be a question that should go directly to Microsoft Power BI team.

Those kind of questions, are more of the technical side of Microsoft operating system? (beyond my knowledge on how the operating system works)

Did you search on the internet to see if there was anything on it?
Did you check out Microsoft Power BI community?


Hi @Keith ,
Yes I posted it in MS and waiting for (2) days :

No body until now respond.

while you will have to wait to see if anyone else reply to you on MS Power Bi Community.

It might be the amount of data you are bring in and you just have to much data and your machine isn’t able to handle it.

i just found this on another internet site…some things you might want to think about

Hi @Keith

I got something here for your reference https://www.powerbi-pro.com/en/power-bi-consumed-my-hard-disk-space/#comment-386

The folder : C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\TempSaves
Have big Temporary files we can remove it or at least backed it up somewhere .

Thank you

Hi @MAAbdullah47
thanks for the information

Did you delete the files and did it correct the issue? Just wondering what you did.


Hi @Keith
Yes I did , I’m lucky there is no problem when I deleted it , but In any case in the future if there is a problem I taken a Buckup copy.


Power BI stores support/temp/cache files locally under the user’s Local profile. I am a light user of Power BI and I have a relatively large amount of junk in the directory shown below. For users of the hosted service and desktop IDE, the “Power BI Desktop” folder just above the “SSRS” one has the same folder structure. The \TempSaves folder is also where those auto-recovery files end up which you occasionally see messages about in the desktop when opening a report.

If you clean out the cache, trace, and temp save files occasionally, it should address your issue.



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Hi @MAAbdullah47, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since July 2nd.

We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.

I did is that enough dear?