I’ve had an interesting project tossed into my lap. The client I am working for has a developed a web app that uses a PostgreSQL database proxied behind an NGINX web front end. The db is not publicaly exposed. We need to be able to -
Access the database for import queries into PBI using PBI Desktop
Have the data refreshed to the PBI server (probablly using the on prem gateway)
Most of my experience is with databases I have direct access too and can configure the on-prem gateway to refresh PBI Service.
There’s a standard connector for PostgreSQL as of December 2019. Refreshing is supported both through the cloud in the Power BI Service and also on premise through the Gateway.
Thanks @Melissa. I can set up the gateway to connect to the database. Is it possible to connect to the configured gateway to create a new dataset in PBI? I do not have direct access to the db.
Update - I’ve proposed that we create a new VM in the same network as the PostgreSQL database server and install the PBI Gateway on that machine. No impact on the WFE that way. I’ll have to load desktop on that machine for my dev work and can download an offline copy of the db to my laptop. This was much easier when I had access to everything.