Power BI Dashboard

Hi All,
I have been given a project to develop a dashboard with the following requirement:

  1. When a user clicks in a link within the Sharepoint site, as such that it will take the user to the Power bi landing page.
  2. The landing page will be a map with over 300 locations of their businesses. When a user clicks on a specific location, the map should be able to filter that location and open the location which then has all the stats and visualisation for that location.
  3. the dashboard should have some navigational link which will help guide the user to navigate to other parts of the dashboard.

Thank you,


You have quite a task ahead of you with what you have described.

My suggestion is to start with the Data files and to build your Data Model and Report. Get this working first and then look to putting it into SharePoint.

Everything starts with a Good Model. A good place to start is with the following sections from Sam:

Once you have the basics branch out into the Advanced DAX

