Well done again Diana. I really like what you’ve created here and how you’re showcasing these insights.
Once again the navigation is really well thought out and implemented beautifully. It’s simple and very effective.
Colour theme is also outstanding, with all the visualisation’s and conditional formatting all blending in really well together.
I also like how you’ve broken down the analysis in two separate areas or pages in the report. Really focused in on a key attributes or key parts of your analysis. It’s almost like you’ve looked to tell a story here, which consumers really appreciate.
I also really like how you have changed up the title on each page. That’s really innovative and not something I’ve done before. With a simple change to the logo and colour it really breaks out each different part or the area of the model and report.
The navigation homepage is just epic and it’s a design concept that I think I’d love to use in some future work that I complete myself.
Well done on this definitely covered all of the brief really effectively here.