Power BI Challenge 3 - HR Data Insights from Mukesh

The Power BI Challenge is not about winning, but more about learning and improving Power BI and analytical skills.

One of our members is going back to the challenges.

Here’s Mukesh’s entry for Power BI Challenge 3. @MK3010, feel free to add other details of your work.

To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


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Hi @EnterpriseDNA ,

Thank you for your challenges I have been reading about each challenge but couldn’t join. But recently I picked it and tried to submit it.

Here in this Report I have used bookmarks for slicer at top left and below it another bookmark to clear any filter.

Have removed the data labels for more space( i noticed that I missed 1 to remove :stuck_out_tongue: ) and added image at bottom. I have used simple DAX measures whereas kept my data model as star schema. In the Detail View I used Decomposition tree to show the distribution for each level.

For line chart may be I should have used when I am showing against date and should have added tooltips for getting more information.

Overall I learned a lot from the forum with very beautiful report ( may be I don’t have that skill of UI) .
