Power BI Challenge 17 - Environmental Data Reporting from Paul (Newcomer)

Here’s Paul’s entry for Power BI Challenge 17. @Paul.Gerber, feel free to add other details of your work.





Here’s how Paul described it:

Hello eDNA community. I am a first time Power BI challenger but a Power BI user for almost one year. @Brian asked me to start doing these challenges so this is my first go.

When I first looked at the data and what the indicators were coupled with my target audience, my first thought was to find correlations in between the datasets. As an engineer, this is just out of habit. I think I was making this harder than what I needed it be.

My approach at first was to see what toxins were related to number of asthma cases. Asthma in adults were higher than in children. But formaldehyde was a top toxin that was present in the majority of the states.

I tried to do a very simplistic approach. But doing this challenge I found that overall throughout the Mid-Atlantic states, children with asthma is slightly more than asthma in adults.

Also what was interesting, in all states over the course of years, formaldehyde was the highest contributor of air toxins.

What it Causes
Formaldehyde exposure is ubiquitous and occurs in homes, communities, and workplaces. Formaldehyde is a high-volume production chemical with numerous industrial and commercial uses as a solution, disinfectant, preservative or to produce industrial resins used to manufacture adhesives and binders in wood, paper, and other products. It is present in many household products, such as foam insulation, cleaning and personal care products, pressed wood products such as particleboard and plywood, and as a result is a common indoor air pollutant found in virtually all homes and buildings [1–9]. Homes are impacted by off-gassing of formaldehyde from new housing materials, with availability and rates of ventilation having minimal impact on exposure levels [10].

Rainfall totals were interesting. Westchester Airport had the highest amount of days out of year for rainfall. Rain and humidity can attribute to mold and mildew; problematic for asthma people. Westchester is NE of NYC. So my assumption would be that NYC would get a great deal of rain as well.

I treated human exposure with just a map with “heat map” selected in the visual. Then using a slicer to show which sites had the “potential for exposure”.

Throughout the report I used the basic DAX measures then expanded on those measures. I used TREATAS quite a bit to “bang” two data tables together virtually which helped a lot. I also used Dynamic Text Measures too for my graphs and titles. I feel it helps the user to know what value they selected to view in the Dashboard and to label the graphs.

Thank you for taking the time to read and to view my dashboard. I appreciate all feedback and thoughts.


To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.



This post is part of the Enterprise DNA platform improvements. Through these posts, members and non-members can showcase the resources and inspirations on how they come up with their challenge submissions. We hope all members can utilize it efficiently.

this is really great Paul and I can see you’ve spent a bit of time planning out and managing which insights to show on each page of your report. I also really like the navigation that you’ve created as well. Very neat and tidy and simple for the user to understand.

I like how you’ve thought about the grids within your report and that really sticks out as a positive for the consumer. And even some of the visualizations you’ve chosen are unique end showcase things in quite different ways so really impressed by your creativity there.

also how you’ve brought in the dynamic titles and also the airport locations is fantastic. Really well thought through and nicely executed.

overall really pleased with this submission and not too many suggestions I can make. maybe a small one on the colors sometimes I feel like there’s too many contrasts between the backgrounds the borders the shadows etc. so maybe just simplifying that a little bit next time.

Nice one