Power BI Challenge 16 - Timesheet Utilisation Reporting from Zoe

Here’s Zoe’s entry for Power BI Challenge 16. @datazoe, would you like to share how you built this dashboard and what your inspiration is in building it?



To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


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Such a clean, smart looking report. In the last challenge I took part in, I went with a dark theme and I feel more comfortable with them but @datazoe’s reports are such a great example of what can be done with light themes. I’ll need to try a light theme next time.


Thank you @DavieJoe ! For you, here’s the dark version: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiYjc2ZGMyOTgtMTliMS00YWU2LWJjZWMtOTIyNzhhNWEyZTY5IiwidCI6IjkyOWVlMzI0LTk3YzQtNDk1YS04MjM5LTZhZDg3NDk0MGVlYyIsImMiOjN9


Ooooh, I’m torn!!! Both are outstanding!

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@datazoe ,

You doing dark mode reports is like Johnny Cash wearing one of Prince’s purple suits. It might look cool out of context, but if you know the history of the people involved it just seems wrong in every respect… :laughing:

  • Brian
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Beautiful design Zoe once again. I know you’ve used numero again here but it is a really clean an effective design I must say.

We here at Enterprise DNA are looking deeply at developing many different templates and designer kits just like this one. I think that there’s a huge amount of value add we can produce here and it can really scale up our users own development by utilizing an prepopulating a template which is already designed really effectively

I love how you have been able to integrate your data or any data I must say into these unique designs. It must save you so much time and that’s what I really like about this the most.

if you’ve got any tips for us on how you think we can utilize these sort of templates more effectively for all of index comprised immunity then I’m definitely interested to hear yours. It seems like you have used these extensively and are more likely more than likely using them and lots of different environments and with different datasets. So I want to understand the versatility and how you’ve found re purposing these design templates and many different scenarios.

Well done again here.



@sam.mckay you are right, I save so much time utilizing these templates! And I feel I can focus on the analytics and story I want to tell.

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