Power BI Challenge 16 - Timesheet Utilisation Reporting from Filip (Non-member)

Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, Filip.

2021-09-27 (19)

Here’s how Filip described it:


The Data model has been expanded with some minor dimensional tables - mostly slicers and what if parameters tables.
Projects are focal points of the report. They have been divided into 3 main types: Consulting, Finance, Development.

Due to many gaps and high inconsistency of dates time intelligence analysis is rather simple.
This is also the reason for selected Utilization Rate formula. I decided to simply take into account only work and break time
as the base of available time per project, because project-oriented operations are much more versatile than steady 9 to 5 jobs.

I have decided to include FTE calculations for extra insights. Budget FTE is calculated as follows:
(Business days per project * 7.5) / 37.5 which is a standard US formula. Then actual FTE is simply: The actual Work Time per Project / 37.5

Altough, hourly rates and booked billable hours could be perceived as cost for the organisation,
thus compared further on with earnings - this idea has been rejected, because I wasn’t sure if that’s a good lead.
Instead, more pressure has been put on the earnings/revenue part in different scenarios.

Since the topic of the challenge is time analysis I decided to design a smartwatch-like report, which in the end is pretty satisfying.
Overall UX shall resemble an actual smartwatch, thus all the buttons and navigation are easy to folow.

What If Scenarios:
Some of the projects have no booked non-billable hours (breaks) - there is an optional choice for user in the settings to fill the missing
gap with 6.25 % of the work time per project, since normally 0.5 hours of break in 8 Hrs.day would be this much.

Break parameters don’t affect Earnings, only Utilization. WorkTime parameters affect both Earnings and UR.
When a user changes this parameter - appropriate measure evaluates each of the Earnings per Hour value in the given project context and then sums everything together.

To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


This post is part of the Enterprise DNA platform improvements. Through these posts, members and non-members can showcase the resources and inspirations on how they come up with their challenge submissions. We hope all members can utilize it efficiently.

Ha this is great really love the creativity here Filip,

Unique design and really impressed by your creative mind. First of all how you came up with this but then also executed all of the different visualizations and together. I think maybe the colors could be better aligned but other than that the way that you have used the design and grid system inside your reports is great.

I also love the navigation experience that you’ve developed into the report. It’s really genius. And so new and interesting. It really gives anyone viewing this a lot of ideas around the versatility and also flexibility that you have with the way you build the navigation and storytelling experience into your reports.

One of the things true is that this displays well is that we are developing reporting applications with power BI. You’ve showcased this with the variety of insights that you have developed in a similar looking page but the user is obviously selecting the next page and the next page. But I love the fact that it looks like one application and I keep telling everyone that this is what we’re trying to achieve with power BI You just gotta think a bit bigger.

Nice work


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