Power BI Challenge 16 - Timesheet Utilisation Reporting from David B (Non-member)

Here’s the entry from one of our non-member participants, David.

Here’s how David described it:

Couple of notes about how I have approached the task:

  • The total hours calculation is based on the greater of the sum of:

    • Duration + Break from the timesheet data
    • A standard working day (7:30 hours)
    • E.g. if the client worked 8 hours, with a 1 hour break, total hours for that day would be 9
    • If the client worked 4 hours with no break, total hours would be 7:30
  • Utilisation is based on the Duration column divided by the Total Hours calculation as per above

  • Utilisation target is 80%

  • Target hours is the total hours in any period * Utilisation target and represents the optimal number of billable hours in that period

  • % of days worked is the number of distinct dates on the timesheet data, divided by the number of working days in any time period
    Occasionally this is above 100% due to the client working weekends
    Working days is based on UK bank holidays – could not find a reliable API for NZ holidays

  • I have assumed that the first and last date that a project appears is that project’s start/end date, and joined this info onto my date table to give a timeline of clients/gaps between jobs

  • I have estimated potential lost earnings using the following logic:

    • For any workdays where the client has not worked to the utilisation target, these hours are considered “Lost”
    • I have a separate calculation that works out the last hourly rate the client was being paid at
    • Earnings Missed is the sum of all the lost hours multiplied by the latest hourly rate

How this data has been presented:

  • Dash contains key metrics around earnings and productivity – can be sliced by year, client and task
    Graph at the bottom shows earnings (actual and missed) as well as utilisation (actual and target) over time
  • Earnings by client is a simple table showing where the client’s income comes from
  • Dynamic Stats allows the client to view a selection of metrics and split them by four categories: Client, Project, Task, Year

To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


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This post is part of the Enterprise DNA platform improvements. Through these posts, members and non-members can showcase the resources and inspirations on how they come up with their challenge submissions. We hope all members can utilize it efficiently.