Power BI Challenge 14 - Emergency Services Analytics from Jan (Newcomer)

Here’s Jan’s entry for Power BI Challenge 14. @deltaselect, feel free to add other details of your work.

Here’s the link to the report:

And here’s how Jan described it:

This analysis report focuses on the time it takes to bring a patient under hospital care after an emergency call, the duration is measured in minutes.
The report contains generic analytic reporting (3p) and Anomalies analysis (2p).
Anomaly is defined as all patients’ hospitalizations which takes longer as a threshold time in minutes.

As the user defined threshold time can be varied till near zero, the Anomalies analysis could be used for detailed and complete analysis.

Insights and analysis of the duration can be made through report-filters from different angles of view.

Build up of this workout:

  1. Used/imported the University of Melbourne color scheme json file via Power BI View–>Themes → Browse for Themes (https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Themes-Gallery/bd-p/ThemesGallery)
  2. Data is used as provided in Excel for this Challenge, the data model exists of one fakt-table CallsT of the 3.000 calls, the other data provided is used as lookup-table, I added an age group and a month lookup table (instead of the often used date table).
  3. Three calculated columns are added to the fakt-table CallsT:
  • “Hourgroup of call”, which calculates to which two-hour group a emergency call belongs
  • “MonthNr”, which calculates to which month an emergency call belongs
  • “Detail Information of the emergency call”, which concatenate eight dimensions together from lookup tables, which was needed to speed up the table in “Detail-analysis Anomalies”, as a table with information from eight dimensions becomes very slow.
  1. A slicer “Anomality Call to Hospital Care” is added with a range from 15 till 80 (minutes) through Modeling → New Parameter What if in Power BI, whereby a user can determine what is seen as anomality; all anomalies can be analysed in the two anomaly report pages.
  2. Three DAX measure-groups are created:
  • Base Measures
  • Duration Measures, for average time calculations of different stages of hospitalization, given the filtering
  • Anomality measures, set up for the anomality reporting,
  1. The report contains of a content page, five reporting pages, and an explanation page, see appendix.

A further development of this report might be a dashboard with required key management information. I really enjoyed this challenge.

To learn about the real-life scenario presented for the challenge, be sure to click on the image below.


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This post is part of the Enterprise DNA platform improvements. Through these posts, members and non-members can showcase the resources and inspirations on how they come up with their challenge submissions. We hope all members can utilize it efficiently.

Solid start here and congrats on participating in your first challenge. I can see you have put a lot of effort into bringing this report together and so I’m hoping that you were able to use it as a solid learning experience to see how you bring together a comprehensive Power bi report and model.

I think overall there’s some good information here but what I think would be good to work on would be on telling a more compelling story with better visualisations and navigation experiences for the consumer.

Not everyone is a design expert or creatively inclined but through the resources we make available it’s easy to copy or leverage off what others have done before. And so I really recommend having a look at past challenges and seeing which reports do you think I designed the best and try and copy some of those techniques into your room. I think you’ll find that you can make a lot of improvements in very quickly by just copying others and I totally recommend that.

Look forward to seeing many more submissions in the near future .

Nice work


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