Reset slicer approach is typically, set the slicers to whatever ‘reset’ position you like, create a bookmark (with the correct data setting … I never know what is what until I try), and then assign the bookmark to the image action. This will go to the bookmark with the default data setting / slicer setting.
@sunip See above for reset slicer tip.
Hi Greg,
I love your clean report. Complexity with simplicity, a very elegant solution. well done.
A few questions:
Is the text in the top left box dynamic? If so I would love to know how you did it.
I also love the bottom section which you show the selections from the slicers. Is there any chance of you posting you pbix for inspiration and learning?
Hi @jgriffit
Thanks for your kind words.
Yes (kind-of) the text in the top left box is dynamic. I used the Enlighten Data Story custom visual, where you can insert measures into a pre-defined text story; so the measures are dynamic, but the text isn’t. I’m hopeful a newer version of the custom visual will allow for dynamic text too.
Here’s a link to my write-up of my thought process
Here’s my pbix.
eDNA Challenge 3 - HR Data Insights - Greg Philps.pbix (582.5 KB)
Thanks again.
Thank you, I did tried and it worked.
Thanks @Greg. Scouring your beautiful solution today … my idea of a great Sunday!
Hi @Greg,
What have you done with the Whitespace Character measure?
I see you have Report Admin measure, for the version information etc, but don’t see what you have done with the Whitespace Character measure. Something sneaky going on there.
Hi @jgriffit. I needed something for the body of the card I used in the lower-right corner so I could put my [Report Admin] measure in the card title and right-align it.
Apologies for submitting rather late. I have sent my work to the email address provided. I am a learner and would like to become an expert in PowerBI. Please review my work (i.e. the Data Model, Visualisation etc) and feedback. I am happy to take on board any comments/criticism and continue in my quest to get better at it. Thank you
HRData-Challenge.pbix (198.4 KB)
Apologies for submitting rather late. I am a beginner in PowerBI and here to learn more, please review my work and any comments/criticisms will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Hi @ambepat see post 52 in this chat. Is my write up , at the end is the pbix.
Thanks DianaB
@DianaB The navigation for this one is really fantastic! Really impressed by your submission.
Thanks @datazoe, I enjoyed a lot building this report. There is lots of great ideas in the forum
Hi Greg , Fantastic report any chance you could share your PBIX file , would love to pull it apart.
Thanks @Jeffb … you can get many of the PBIX files from past challenges in the Power BI Challenge Showcase module. Here’s a link to those for Challenge #3:
Hope this helps.
Thank you for the quick response. Much appreciated.
Would you be willing to share the pibx file for this report, as I’d to learn how to implement some of the techniques you use?
If you go into the main training portal and select Power BI Challenge Showcase, you can download the PBIX files from any of the challenge entrants:
- Brian