Hello, I am attaching the images and link to my Executive Sales Report Challenge. Thank you.
Here’s the screenshot of my report and the published link.
- Brian
EDNA Challenge 1 Executive Sales Report – Brian Julius.pbix (3.1 MB)
I really like how you have your slicers laid out on the top left of the page. Do they overlap, or you have a trick up your sleeve to get them arranged like that?
I was able to publish. Thought there will be shared site like Tableau public and was confused. Now, all set
Thanks – it’s done through OK Viz’s SmartFilter Pro. Definitely my favorite custom visual – let you do some amazing stuff with slicers. Here’s a detailed post I did about it recently:
If you have the flexibility to use custom visuals, I would definitely check it out.
- Brian
Attached is the image of my report on Executive Sales Report and click here for the web link
Link to my Report: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNGI5NDNmM2ItYzdiYy00ZDExLWJiOWItZWRkYTZhODNmM2UwIiwidCI6IjA2MzNmYTY1LTcwN2EtNDVmNy1hOTAwLTIxOTE2ZWMxNGRlOSJ9
Thank you.
Please see my report screenshots below and a link to my report.
Thanks again Sam and the guys at EDNA for putting this together!
Thank you @BrianJ, the animated ticker you are referring to is called scroller, you can import the visual from PowerBI market place
Thanks very much for the challenge. I’m submitting screenshots of my report. I don’t have the ability to publish to the web in my workspace so will have to submit screenshots for now.
I did the best I could with the time that I had to work on it. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated so I can iterate and improve.
Hi All,
Amazing results posted by others…here is my screenshot.
Below is the link, I uploaded to my workspace, I dont know if you’ll will be able to access it, as I am using the free version of Power BI Desktop.
You need license account to publish, or if your organization as enable publish to public web link in their administrators setting of PowerBI online
Wow all some amazing dashboards and report.
Great visualisations and colour schemes being implemented.
Great Work.
Those of you that are little behind schedule there is still time to submit.
We will hopefully share a post on this particular scenario shortly and review the submissions.
Thanks All.
@Mohammed_ali, @michaelsampsonidis,
Really like the monochrome schemes with limited color highlights that you guys used. Cool look, and gives the ability to direct the reader’s focus with the color highlights. Well done!
- Brian
Thank you very much for the feedback!
Really appreciate!