Power BI Accelerator Week #6 is Live!

@BrianJ , thanks Brian will load that visual for future use. Finally figured out how to do the state button whilst out fishing today. Nothing like a clear sky and a spot of fishing to work through problems!

I came across that image sometime back and have always wanted to use it. Thought is represented this challenge well. Nothing is as it appears, the page looks normal until you start cutting through the top layer and seeing all the cool stuff underneath. Just like the image, normal on one side and skeletal on the other. Just a bit of whimsy.

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@stevens ,

Having grown up fishing with my dad, that sounds like the greatest problem solving methodology ever.

That’s funny re: the image. Every time I see something like that in Power BI, I immediate think it’s a button that must do something:grinning:

  • Brian

Good afternoon Brian:

Here is my submission for Accelerator 6.

I think everything is in place.

I’ll be eager, but disappointed, to learn if you can identify errors.

This exercise was fun, and I think I learned a ton. It was precisely what I hoped it would be.

In terms of time for each module (keeping in mind that I’ve had distractions, and there’s been stop /start).

  1. Line / Column Chart - About an hour

  2. Adding tooltips to the visuals - About 20 minutes

  3. Map / Drill-through - About 2 1/2 hours, most of which was consumed by my trying to wire "State " to “State Code”. As soon as I discovered my careless error, I rolled along.

  4. Popup Toolbar / Slicer - About 3 hours

Here’s the attachment…

Power BI Accelerator -Week 6.pbix (9.2 MB)


John Giles

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Hi Brian,

Please find bellow my proposal for the Accelerator week 6

This run was very interesting and let me review some technics I already learned by participating in preview challenge (especially the challenge #15) like bookmarks, custom tooltips, and modern visual tooltips. But I also learned a lot.

The easiest part was the line chart/bar chart toggling it took me about half an hour. Same for the custom tooltips and the drill through page.

The most time consuming was the toolbar. To make it easy for me, I inserted an image for the toolbar background but I’m not sure if this is the best approach.

The most challenging part was the drill through button. This was new for me, and I was not able to implement it the best way as I was not able to remove the white background that appear when the button is disable.

PS: for the icons, I used the ones proposed in PowerPoint and saved them as “.svg”. I also used PowerPoint to create the Toolbar background.

Power BI Accelerator -Week 6 - MehdiH Solution.pbix (9.1 MB)

Best regards
Mehdi Hammadi



I hope everything is good at home. My submission is below. It is 85-90% complete. I started late but will finish later this week.

Brad B
Power BI Accelerator -Week 6 Problem Boehnke Final.pbix (9.1 MB)

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@JohnG ,

:+1:. Absolutely no errors that I can see – everything works exactly as expected.

Very well done, and bonus points for sheer persistence.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thanks very much for the detailed time breakdown.

– Brian


Nice work! A couple of points:

The drill through element is very close to complete. All you need to do to fix the button is select Background on, and then set transparency to 100%. You will then need to change the font color in disabled status to white. After that it will look like this:


I’m also not getting any tooltip activation on the bottom right table.

The way you constructed the popout slicer panel works perfectly.

Well done! Just a couple of minor tweaks needed. As always, thanks for being one of the stalwart participants. Very glad to hear you found this useful.

– Brian

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@bboehnke ,

Off to a very good start here! A few things to look out for:

  1. Your year slicer is bombing when multiple years are selected
  2. For your drill through button, combine the text and the icon on the same button, rather than using a separate text box. The text box is going to cause problems because it does not have the same states as the buttons.
  3. Tooltip not activating on the lower right table

:+1:You seem to have the bookmarks operating properly on the toolbar, which IMO was the hardest part of this exercise.

Thanks very much for diving in on this one, and for your continued participation on Accelerator!

– Brian

Hi @BrianJ ,

Thank you for taking the time to review my submission and provide some guidance.

As you stated, I found some errors on the bookmarks. I corrected what I was able to detect and yes, the tooltip for the bottom right table was missing so I added it. (I noticed this oversight too late in the night when I had already sent my solution)

However, I was not able to configure the “Drill” button. I applied step by step the solution you provided (I totally started a new button) everything was good until I applied the “drill through” action. So, I will need to work on this a little more to get it working perfectly.

Please find bellow an updated version of my submission.
Power BI Accelerator -Week 6 - MehdiH Solution - Updated.pbix (9.3 MB)

Best Regards
Mehdi Hammadi

Hi @BrianJ
Is the live session still planned for this afternoon/evening?

@MehdiH ,

Yes, definitely. Hope to see you there.

  • Brian

If anyone is looking for the registration link for the live Accelerator 6 solution session starting in an hour - here it is:

Hope to see you there!

  • Brian
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we are in the chat there is about 5 of us so far


A huge thanks to everyone who participated in last night’s Accelerator session and throughout the Week #6 cycle. Wanted to let you know that the recording of the live session, along with my solution file and the original problem file, plus a copy of the slides from my presentation last night are all posted in the Portal now.

Already working on the round #7 problem set which will focus on “data shaping” a component of data modeling that in my view is very under-discussed but critically important in making sure your data is set up correctly to answer the questions your analysis is focused on.

In looking at the long-term roadmap we’d developed at the start of this initiative, I would definitely say that we’re a bit ahead of schedule in terms of having covered more material per round/week than expected. After week #7, I want to do a week on visualization best practices and conditional formatting, and a week on addressing granularity issues (critical if you do any sort of budget/financial analysis). That will take us through Week #9, and week #11 is the one where we are going to put together everything we’ve learned throughout the program.

Which leaves week #10 something of an open book - I have some thoughts about what to focus on but would really love to hear from all of you about what issues/problems you regularly have in your report development and application of PBI that would be helpful if we addressed directly in this course?

Thanks for your engagement in Accelerator, and on to Week #7

  • Brian
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Hi Brian:

I was unable to watch the Accelerator 6 Solution session with Sam yesterday. I just watched the replay a few minutes ago.

Here are a few comments that can be filed under “one man’s opinion”:

  1. Regarding the time spent on each exercise - I know I’ve spent more time than the expected “par” on each session. In some cases, the excess time has been spent due to learning curve; in other instances, the excess time has been due to mind-numbing carelessness unrelated to learning something new.

    Overall, I don’t regret spending extra time as long as I can apply the lessons learned (buttons, drill-through, filter/row context, etc.), to report development without having to re-learn the lessons each time.

  2. I’m eager to see the “Edna Experts” sessions you mentioned. Having reviewed many Challenge submissions, I’ve been as impressed by the analytical thought process Edna members have employed to construct their reports, as by the nuts and bolts of the reports themselves.


John Giles

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Hi @JohnG ,
I completely agree with you and like you I do not regret any minutes spend on the Power BI Accelerator round or any other Enterprise DNA initiative or material like challenges or courses.

Hi @BrianJ,

Due to a horrible Internet connexion I had to leave the live session and was not able to attend. This morning I watched the recorded and downloaded the solution. Unfortunately, when I unzipped the file I get a “file corrupted” error when trying to open the two .pbix files.

Can you please check

PS: I downloaded the zip file 3 times and got the same error each time.

@MehdiH ,

Thanks for letting me know that. I just saw a similar message from @KimC . Here’s the solution file - will work with the team when they get in to work later today to get a new uncorrupted zip posted ASAP.

  • Brian



Thanks Brian

Hello all, here are the updated zip files.

eDNA PBI Accelerator Wk6 - Problem Set.zip (9.1 MB)
eDNA PBI Accelerator Wk6 - Solution.zip (20.6 MB)