Power Automate Workout 10- Changing File Extension


In this Workout you will change a file with a .txt extension to a .csv file extension. Here is a photo of the folder where I have these documents stored. The original file is a .txt, and the new file is a csv. You can do this in as few as 2 steps.

Here is the file you can use if you would like.
ChuckNorris.txt (24 Bytes)

**Hint: You will need to get the folder path where the file is located for the 1st step **

** When posting your results, make sure to blur it out. There are a couple of different ways to do this inside of Power Automate Desktop.


Here is my solution to Workout 10. The Get special folder step retrieves the folder path, and then you can change the extension of the file in the Rename file(s) step.

I’ll post Workout 11 tomorrow!


HI @JarrettM,

Just trying to a catch on past workouts.

Here is the my solution:

thanks for the workout.

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