Power Automate Workout 03 - Subtracting Dates

Difficulty Rating: 1 out of 5


In this workout we are going to use Power Automate Desktop to create a flow that will display a message that shows the amount of days until Christmas.

Disclaimer- If you use Today’s Date ( April 3rd, 2023), you will get the same result as me, but if you use another date the results will be different.

Hint: This can be done in 2 steps within Power Automate, but ok if it takes more than that.

This is another simple flow, but it is another date time function within Power Automate Desktop

Post your submission in the same format at the screenshot provided. You may also provide a copy of the steps of your flow as well, but please blur out those steps if possible.


@JarrettM ,

Couldn’t figure out how to get it to one step, so I incorporated Buddy the Elf instead…

My flow steps

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@BrianJ , Made a correction in the introduction to this workout. 2 steps is the minimum for this one.


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@JarrettM Here is my Workout solution,


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@JarrettM ,

Whew, thanks for the clarification. I was staring blankly at the screen late last night thinking “how the &$#@ did he do this in one step?”…

  • Brian
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Hi @JarrettM

I’m learning alot here. First, I was getting a decimals in the calculate the days. I figured it out.

Here is the solution to the workout


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Hi Jarrett: I have to solve that Policy violation I get when adding the Message box but the flow without it ran.

If I remove the text box I do get the number of dates so a very rustic attempt, but I tried and it ran.

This text will be blurred


Happy Easter to Everyone!

Here is my solution to Workout 03. I’ll post Workout 04 tomorrow!
