Power Apps Workout 07 - Cascading dropdown

In this workout, we will work with cascading filters within Power Apps.

The objective is to create a sample Canvas app that has 2 cascading dropdowns, whereby the choice of one dropdown affects the selection of other dropdowns.

The first dropdown should have the following values: Fruits, Vegetables. The second dropdown should change depend on the first dropdown:

  • If the first dropdown has “Fruits” selected, the second dropdown should be “Apples”, “Bananas”, and “Oranges”
  • If the first dropdown has “Vegetables” selected, the second dropdown should be “Lettuce”, “Carrots”, and “Bell Peppers”

Please submit your solution in by taking a screenshot of your Power App, showing the “formula” you used on your second dropdown.

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.


Here is my approach on this one.


Workout 007 Pic


For the cascading dropdown, I used a simple If statement. However, if this was a bigger list I would have used a SharePoint list with a lookup.

Dropdown1.SelectedText.Value = “Fruits”,
[“Apples”, “Bananas”, “Oranges”],
[“Lettuce”, “Carrots”, “Peppers”]

Here are the formulas for the first and second dropdown.
