Power Apps Workout 05 - Navigation

In this workout, we will test our Navigation functions.

The objective is to create a sample Canvas app that has 3 pages. Each page should have a title (e.g., Page 1, Page 2, Page 3) and have buttons to enable to the user to navigate to any of the two other pages. A user should be able to use the App and navigate themselves to whatever page they want to go towards. Here is an example:

Please submit your solution in the by taking a screenshot of your Power App, showing the “formula” you used on any of the buttons to navigate users to other pages.

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.


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Nice Henry, can we add the difficulty level image like other workouts ?

Sure thing, it’s done!

Screenshot of Page 2


Page3 button formula


Thanks for the workout

@henry.habib - another good one.

Here is mine:


Function used is:


Where “Workout5_S2” is the screen name but each button is updated to correspond to the correct page.

Workout 005 Pic

Here is the answer to the Workout. The key here is to use a Navigate function. The Navigate function takes a Screen as a variable; you can use it to Navigate to any screen name.
