Power Apps Workout 03 - Len and Concatenate

In this workout, we will scratch the surface of Power Fx formulas within Power Apps.

The objective is to create a sample Canvas app where there are 2 Controls (1 Text Label and 1 Text Input) in the arrangement specified below. The Label should state the number of characters that the user has written in the TextInput control above. Here are some examples below:

Here, we go into the world of Power Fx formulas. Please submit your solution in the by taking a screenshot of your Power App, showing the “formula” you used to calculate the Text property in the Label Control

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.


quick and fun.


Another great one.

Workout 003 Pic


“This text control contains " & Len(TextInput1.Text) & " characters”

Hi all,

Here is the answer to the Workout. The key here is to use the Concatenate and the Len Power Fx formulas. After you create all the necessary Controls, then:

  1. Select the Label Control
  2. Select the Text Property
  3. Change the “fx” to the following: Concatenate(”This TextInput Control contains “, Len(TextInput1.Text), “ characters”)

The Concatenate formula enables you to combine several strings together. The Len function tells you the number of characters in a string. You can find more information about these formulas here:
