Power Apps Workout 02 - Simple Sum Calculator

In this workout, we will create a simple calculator that will compute the sum of two numbers (as you can see, we will start easy)

The objective is to create a sample Canvas app where there are 6 Controls (4 Text Labels and 2 Text Input) in the arrangement specified below. The user can then type in any numeric values in the Text Inputs, and the App should automatically calculate the sum of these numbers in the Label Control below.

Although this App is relatively quick and easy to complete, it forms the basis of more complex Apps that require logical and mathematical functions. Please submit your solution in the by taking a screenshot of your Power App, showing the “formula” you used to calculate the Sum in the Label Control

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.





@henry.habib thanks for the workouts.

My Solution


You got it! Great job.

That is perfect! Well done

Hi everyone,

Here is the answer to the Workout. After you create all the necessary Controls (4 Labels, 2 Text Inputs), then:

  1. Select the Label Control that should contain the Sum
  2. Select the Text Property
  3. Change the “fx” to the following: [Name of TextInput1].Text + [Name of TextInput2].Text. In our case, this is TextInput1.Text + TextInput2.Text


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I’m a little late to the game, but did this one this morning. Looking forward to the next workout.

Workout 002 Pic