I appreciate your helpful video for managing dynamic outliers using dummy variables (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q401JNywTKY).
In my situation, I’m trying to group high, low, and non-outliers based at the product/store/date level based on (1) the percentage difference between a forecast for a single product/store/date and the average of sales for the that product/store across multiple dates and (2) the forecast value itself. I’d then like to plot the data points in a scatterplot using the 3 outlier groupings.
I’ve attached sample data and .pbix. The sample data file contains an “Objective” tab which describes provides an example and the expected results.
Would it be possible to provide guidance on the DAX required to calculate the percentage difference between a forecast for a single product/store/date and the average of sales for the that product/store across multiple dates (as referenced in the sample data “Objective” tab)?
SampleData.xlsx (13.8 KB) OutlierEx.pbix (127.8 KB)