Hi @acnyc88,
Thanks for supplying a PBIX and Data source file
I’ve added a FileLocation parameter, you can select your location from the list to restore all queries.
The data source contained a NULL row in the Dates table, preventing validation by “mark as date table” - so I removed that.
Created a New Table to include a “Both” row
Added that to the model
And created this measure for the count:
No of PartnerIDs =
VAR _SelVal = SELECTEDVALUE( 'Prod Type'[Type] )
VAR _TableA = CALCULATETABLE( VALUES( Transactions[PartnerID] ), 'Prod Type'[Type] = "A", REMOVEFILTERS( 'Prod Type' ))
VAR _TableB = CALCULATETABLE( VALUES( Transactions[PartnerID] ), 'Prod Type'[Type] = "B", REMOVEFILTERS( 'Prod Type' ))
VAR _Both = COUNTROWS( INTERSECT( _TableA, _TableB ))
SWITCH( _SelVal,
"A", COUNTROWS( _TableA ) - _Both,
"B", COUNTROWS( _TableB ) - _Both,
"Both", _Both,
COUNTROWS( VALUES( Transactions[PartnerID] ))
And this one for the Total Sales:
TotalSales PartnerIDs =
VAR _SelVal = SELECTEDVALUE( 'Prod Type'[Type] )
VAR _TableA = CALCULATETABLE( VALUES( Transactions[PartnerID] ), 'Prod Type'[Type] = "A", REMOVEFILTERS( 'Prod Type' ))
VAR _TableB = CALCULATETABLE( VALUES( Transactions[PartnerID] ), 'Prod Type'[Type] = "B", REMOVEFILTERS( 'Prod Type' ))
SWITCH( _SelVal,
"A", SUMX( ADDCOLUMNS( EXCEPT( _TableA, _TableB ), "Sales", [Sales] ), [Sales] ),
"B", SUMX( ADDCOLUMNS( EXCEPT( _TableB, _TableA ), "Sales", [Sales] ), [Sales] ),
"Both", CALCULATE( [Sales], INTERSECT( _TableA, _TableB ), ALL( 'Prod Type' )),
CALCULATE( [Sales], ALLSELECTED( Transactions ))
With this result.
Note. If required you can ‘hide’ the Group column by disabeling word wrap and minimizing the column width, so it’s no longer visible.
Here’s your sample file
Segment Analysis.pbix (343.9 KB)
I hope this is helplful.