Paginated report from a deneb visual

I developed a Gantt Chart using deneb (Vega-Lite) which uses a scroll bar due to an important number of rows. However I need the report containing this visual to be exported into a paginated PDF that allows to see all the records properly.

The problem is that the Gantt Chart has very specific features that can’t be replicated in a PBI Paginated Report.
Is there any other solution to obtain a multipage pdf from a deneb visual or anything similar?

Hi @andres.garcia55

I’ve not encountered exporting from a Deneb visual before, let alone single-or-multi page PDFs, so will reserve comment.

I’ll research and will post here if I find something of interest.


Irrespective of the visual, Power BI will export the canvas view as a PDF, which means that if any visuals contain a scrollbar, you will just see what is available to fit within the visual container at the time the page is generated. Visuals in Power BI cannot influence the behaviour of the PDF renderer that Power BI uses to generate pages.

The only way to do this within a Power BI report might be to manually change the size of the report page that the visual is on, so that all data is visible when the page is viewed.