Page Navigator Issues

I was excited by the page navigator, thinking it would make my life 10x easier but I’ve hit a snag. Thought I’d throw it here for one last attempt to salvage it!

On my reports, each page has a navigation menu that can be closed/opened. So each page has 2 bookmarks, 1 with the menu visible and 1 with it hidden. The buttons I currently have go to the menu closed bookmark when going between pages. I’ve set-up a page navigator rather than buttons and it works fine. However, when navigating to a page, it seems to take it to the last “state” it was in.

For example, imagine I do these steps:

  • Start on page 1
  • Open menu
  • Navigate to page 2. The menu is closed as expected
  • Open menu
  • Navigate to page 1. The menu is opened as that’s the last “state” page 1 was in

I’d like that last navigation to be with the menu closed on page 1, but that doesn’t seem possible at the moment. Bookmark navigation is no good as I don’t want the menu closed/open ones visible to the user. Unless anyone has any ideas? Below is a mockup to show what I mean.

Nov Test.pbix (22.7 KB)

you could try using the old page navigation solution:

  1. Disconnected Table with page names (must be an EXACT match)
  2. Slicer with the Disconnected table
  3. Single button (can be blank or with any icon you choose)
  4. Button action set to Page Navigation
  5. Destination set as conditional (click the fx button under Action/Destination) - based on the page name field created in the Disconnected table.

to further clean that up, you could hide the current page from the slicer (I only did that on page 3 as an example)
eDNA Solution - Page Navigation.pbix (27.2 KB)

Hi @Heather,

Thanks for the suggestion, will keep it in mind. I’m happy to carry on with the buttons that using at the moment, being able to change the colour when hovering etc. makes the report feel more interactive in my opinion.

Was just hoping this new feature would streamline that - but unfortuantely it doesn’t seem to play nice with the bookmarks!

what you have to remember is that the new pages are exactly what they are called - PAGE navigation. So, if your page was last left in the ‘open bookmark’ position, then when it navigates back to the page it will retain that setting (just as it would if you navigated using the native tabs on the report)

You need to look more closely at the BOOKMARK navigation. IT is possible to group your closed bookmarks together, and use that group name as the navigation group so that the user doesn’t see the open state unless they click that button. see attached (I’ve added bookmark navigation buttons to your current setup)

the downside to bookmark navigation is that the highlighted bookmark won’t be the current location - unlike page navigation.

Also, note that the hover, color, etc could have been changed on the “Select Page” button in my previous suggestion - I just didn’t do that as I was just providing an example and didn’t have a lot of time. :slight_smile:
the hover and press states were different on the button, to indicate that now you were going to the selected page.
eDNA Solution - Bookmark Navigation.pbix (25.5 KB)

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Hi @Heather,

Ah I see what you mean, that bookmark trick might be the ticket! Thanks for your help!