Page filters in pbix/BIM

Hi @sam.mckay ,
I’m trying to clean up an unnecessarily overcomplicated report where developers put filters at any level (visual, page, and all pages), most of the time in a contradictory manner.
This chore has to be carried out on hundreds of visuals (mostly cards ) and it’s very time-consuming, since every time a filter is removed all visuals DAX code starts to be run again.
So I was wondering if I could see these filters in the PBIX itself. I used Tab Editor to export the BIM, then ALM toolkit to compare them, but surprisingly I found no differences between a PBIX/BIM w/o filter and the same pbix w/ filter.
I’m attaching an example, but my real case report is using a DB SQL SAS where I found that also string identifying lineage tags for the same table are different in two different pbix pointing to the same DB.

Thanks for your help



no filter.bim (3.5 KB)
no filter.pbix (15.2 KB)
test.xlsx (15.0 KB)
with filter.bim (3.5 KB)
with filter.pbix (15.4 KB)

@Roberto ,

Clever thought trying to compare at the BIM level, but that’s not going to work because Tabular Editor has no awareness even of the existence of the visual layer in Power BI. If you go to Appendix A of the Tabular Editor documentation:

it lists all of the Object Types accessible through the TOM Wrapper. You’ll see that none of these relate to visuals, thus the reason I believe ALM Toolkit is seeing the two files as the same.

A much better bet I think would be to use a tool like Power BI Helper that analyzes the PBIX file, and thus does have an awareness of the visual layer. Here’s the primary screen from PBI Helper dealing with visuals, and it does have information on the filters applied within each visual, that you may be able to extract and use to automate your process.

I hope that this is helpful.

– Brian


Hi @BrianJ ,
thanks for the answer. I’ll investigate using your suggestion


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