I am doing some work around Outlier Sales This Year (TY) and also looking at this Sales for LY too.
What I am looking to do is calculate the total SUM of sale of “Outlier Sales” that were TY and LY too.
I am aware i need to use INTERSECT function on this, and have seen the video Sam has done.
But still even based on this I am still confused how i should implement this in my report.
Then from this I wanted to find out which customers name were classed as the outlier for TY and LY.
So first of yes I have viewed your videos.
I would not have asked for help if I didnt view them initally. And this is slightly different to what your videos shows, as of now.
A. What I am asking is I want to sum the total Outlier Sales (OS) and sum Outlier Sales LY (OS-LY) only if a customer is seen to have a outlier number in BOTH rows of OS and OS-LY. I am thinking I need to use the INTERSECT functon on this. Specifcally for this example I am not sure how to even approach this task.