% of total issue using custom slicer

As you can see from the screenshot, the “period % of total lines” is calculating for all dates. I want to be able to use the slicer and I’m struggling to get the right formula. I have tried ALL, ALLSELECTED, etc and either get 100% per line or the % based on all periods. I basically want the results in the first two columns (S2K Total Lines and S2K % of Total Lines) to be dynamic with the period slicer (Period Order Lines and Period % of Total Lines)

OLD - I used this with a relative filter on date column - this worked fine but I was stuck with a relative time period:

S2K Total Lines = CALCULATE(COUNT(fact_S2K_Sales_Master[Order Number]),fact_S2K_Sales_Master[Order Type] = “O”)

S2K % of Total Lines =
DIVIDE([S2K Total Lines],
CALCULATE(COUNT(fact_S2K_Sales_Master[Order Number]),
fact_S2K_Sales_Master[Order Type] = “O”,

NEW with Date range slicer (past 3M, 6M, 12M) - NOT WORKING

Period Order Lines =
CALCULATE( [S2K Total Lines],
dim_Dates[Date] > TODAY() - [Selection Days] && dim_Dates[Date] <= TODAY() ))

Period % of Total Lines =
DIVIDE([Period Order Lines],
CALCULATE(COUNT(fact_S2K_Sales_Master[Order Number]),fact_S2K_Sales_Master[Order Type] = “O”,

PBIX is too large to share but I have added measures above. Thanks!

Hi @grjohnsonjr, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster. While waiting for a response, here are some tips so you can get the most out of the forum and other Enterprise DNA resources.

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Hello @grjohnsonjr .

Thank you very much for posting, it was a lot of fun to browse the solution.

The measures I used in the test are:

S2K Total Lines

S2K Total Lines = CALCULATE( COUNT(‘Pipeline Stage Data’[History Sort Key]),
FILTER(‘Pipeline Stage Data’, ‘Pipeline Stage Data’[OldValue]= “Contract Sent”))

S2K% total de linhas 3LM = CALCULATE ([S2K% total de linhas],

S2K% total de linhas 6LM =
CALCULATE ([S2K% total de linhas],

S2K% total de linhas 12LM =
CALCULATE ([S2K% total de linhas],

Display Measure S2K total de linhas =
IF( [Seleted Measure] = “Past 3M”, [S2K total de linhas 3LM],
IF( [Seleted Measure] = “Past 6M”, [S2K total de linhas 6LM],
[S2K total de linhas 12LM]))

S2K% total de linhas

S2K% total de linhas =
DIVIDE([S2K Total Lines],

S2K% total de linhas 3LM =
CALCULATE ([S2K% total de linhas],

S2K% total de linhas 6LM =
CALCULATE ([S2K% total de linhas],

S2K% total de linhas 12LM =
CALCULATE ([S2K% total de linhas],

Display Measure S2K% total de linhas =

IF( [Seleted Measure] = “Past 3M”, [S2K% total de linhas 3LM],
IF( [Seleted Measure] = “Past 6M”, [S2K% total de linhas 6LM],
[S2K% total de linhas 12LM]))

The big secret here is this table


Create it using this option

The measures I used in this table is:
Seleted Measure = SELECTEDVALUE(‘Period support table’[Descrition], “Past 3M”)

Finds download files
Pipeline Stage Data.xlsx (68.8 KB)
Pipeline Stage Data.pbix (149.9 KB)

In case of any doubt please do not hesitate to contact.

Best regards

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