Numbers/Values based on a measure in a card

Hi all,
I’m pretty new to PowerBI, but I try to learn as fast and as much as possible, so every help is appreciated… :nerd_face:

I don’t know how to get numbers/values, which are based on a Measure, into a card.

Based on the following post, I was able to rebuild the ranking, but now I’m stucking on two values Running Totals on a Measure with no index or date column - #10 by sam.mckay

Since it’s difficult to describe, see following screenshot and the pbix attached; I want to have these two values shown in the cards:

If I need to share more information, please let me know,

Thx in advance

ProductRanking.pbix (986.3 KB)

ProductRanking.pbix (994.7 KB)
I had a bit of a play around, and this is what I came up with, I found it quite complicated as it isnt an actual table, will be really interesting to see what others come up with, would love to learn more on this one :slight_smile:

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Hi @kylie.oconnell,

that is awesome!

Thank you very very much. :sunglasses: :pray: