Number.RoundUp at 2 decimal places

I have 2 columns in PQ that are currency format, but I want them to RoundUp at 2 decimals.
(e.g. 2.0734 rounds to 2.08)
I used the Transform->Rounding->Round Up selection from the ribbon.
The issue is that it rounds up to the nearest whole number.
(e.g. 2.0734 rounds to 3.0000)

There should be a parameter where I can control the number of decimals where the rounding occurs, but I don’t know how to do it.

Here is the M-code from the formula bar…
= Table.TransformColumns(#“Reordered Columns1”,{{“US$ Debit”, Number.RoundUp, Currency.Type}, {“US$ Credit”, Number.RoundUp, Currency.Type}})

How do I edit the code to roundup at the 2 decimal mark?


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Never mind.
I found the solution.
= Table.TransformColumns(#“Reordered Columns1”,{{“US$ Debit”, each Number.RoundUp(, 2), Currency.Type}, {“US$ Credit”, each Number.RoundUp(, 2), Currency.Type}})

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good that you found a solution…You need to mark it solved :slight_smile: