Not equals with wildcards

I’m trying to filter out transaction lines location that contain text strings of DC or FOB. Is the below code correct? Also this is returning duplicates. Not sure if just looking at the code can give you enough information on why lines are duplicated. The fulfillments are happening on different days.

Quantity Shipped This Year =


    SUM('Transaction Lines'[Quantity Fulfilled/Received]),

 FILTER(all('Transaction Related'), YEAR('Transaction Related'[Applying Transaction Date]) = YEAR(TODAY()) && 'Transaction Related'[Applying Transaction Status] = "SHIPPED" && 'Transaction Related'[Applying Transaction Type] = "Item Fulfillment"), filter('Transaction Lines','Transaction Lines'[Location]<>"%DC%"), filter('Transaction Lines','Transaction Lines'[Location]<>"%FOB%"))

@Usates Wild cards and RegExp do not work in DAX, you will have to use CONTAINS, CONTAINSSTRING, and CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT

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