New techniques to hide/show visuals?

Hi there!

Are there any new ways to show and hide specific visuals, besides using bookmarks?


@powerbideveloper ,

I presented some techniques at the eDNA Visualization Summit in May on the use of DAX-activated transparency masks/layering for showing/hiding visuals that you may find relevant. It’s the third topic presented in this session.

I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian


I’ve used the blanking technique once before, so thanks for reminding me about that. Your new technique looks interesting and I will see how to adapt it to using a button vs slicer for my scenario. Is there perhaps a pbix example available for your new technique?

@powerbideveloper ,

Yup - detailed PBIX example should be in the “Resources” section of that recorded session on the platform.

  • Brian


I don’t see any “Resources” link here but somehow, by accident, after much searching and navigating, I found a download option to the right of the screen and managed to download the file. The problem is that I can’t find that download option again. Is there a way to get to these types of downloads section more easily?


I think the techniques you present in the video works very well for a scenario where there is no other visual in the same space and it will certainly be useful. Great video!

I just realized that I will be having another chart in the same position on the canvas as the visual I need to toggle between show and hide. Any new ideas around that challenge?

@powerbideveloper ,

Sounds like a textbook case for bookmarks, perhaps with a tabbed bookmark navigator element to switch between the visuals. That’s certainly the way I’d do it, but from your initial message it sounded like you wanted to avoid bookmarks.

If for some reason bookmarks are off the table, you could mimic the same functionality with page navigation and a tabbed page nav element.

  • Brian
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Yes, you’ve just reminded about a tab method I’ve used before. I don’t think I’ve used it with the page navigation element, will have to go and dig up that project to see exactly how I did it.

I’ve used bookmarks as well, but it can get a bit chaotic, at least from my experience with it.