New Customer, Product - Forecast Vs Actual

Hello Fellow Power BI Users -

I have gone through your 2 videos in ‘Unique Analytical Scenario’

  • Calculating New & Existing Customer Sales using DAX
  • In-depth Customer churn New & Existing Customers

My question is

Marketing gives the forecast file for next year. Actual sales data is available.
I want to find out using DAX the new customers, number of part numbers and revenue from the new product
Also the customers, number of part numbers lost in the forecast.

Do you have a video - Can you please help.

Sure, can we be more specific with the question as you’re really asking about 3 or 4.

What model do you currently have, and how do you want to show this.

Can you maybe work up what you think is the answer to one of these and then we can work on it from there.

The techniques to use for this are likely all covered in the videos you’ve run through. It will be a combination of CALCULATETABLE and FILTER function like used in those.


Thanks Sam for the reply.

I have attached a PBIX file.

In the first four pages - I have compared the Plan & Actual

Page 1 - AOP (Annual Operating Plan) - I have compared Plan of FY 18-19 to FY 19-20. The Manufacturing locations are called P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6

Page 2 - AOP Change - % Change for the FY

Page 3 - AOP Vs Actual (M) - Comparison of FY 19-20 Plan Vs FY 18-19 Actual. This is done across months

Page 4 - AOP Vs Actual © - Comparison of FY 19-20 Plan Vs FY 18-19 Actual. This is done across Customers

Now, I want to find out using DAX the new customers, number of part numbers and revenue from the new product
Also the customers, number of part numbers lost in the forecast.

Can you help!

AOPProdPerformance.pbix (2.5 MB)

Have you attempted to utilize the formula techniques at all?

I would like to see you attempt these, because the example given via the below example will answer this as you require.

All to concept are also covered extensively here

I’ve looked at the attachment, and it will unfortunately take to much time to get my mind around everything included in the overall model.

I’m confident though that you can work this out by diving into the content and working with the ideas and techniques already supplied.


Thanks Sam.