Nested If on Value Range

Hi all,
I have a data table with discount rates column and would like to create a measure to categorize them base on the following discount rate % range.

Appreciate your kind help!


This should be fairly simple for you to solve. Please watch the following video regarding the SWITCH statement. This will help you come up with the solution you need.


I’m not understanding exactly the requirement here…

Are you looking to group your sales based on these (or categorize them as you mention).

If you are, you need to be exploring dynamic grouping techniques.

Check out the below tutorials on this and you’ll see both the modelling and DAX you’ll need to make this work.

Thanks both for the feedback.

I wanted to group my sales data on the percentage of discount range.

I ended creating a custom column and through the query editor.


That is one way to get your result. Be careful of how many calculated columns you create like this. This can slow down performance in the model. You could also use a measure with the SWITCH statement that would have better performance, but what you did will work fine. If you haven’t watched the SWITCH YouTube video that Sam did, I would highly suggest doing so. I find that when I’m creating Power BI solutions for companies, I use the SWITCH statement frequently to help solve problems like this.
