Need help with sales in first 7 days


I can calculate the sales in first 7 days, following the dax formula like this:

However, when I want to see which is the product during this first 7 days of each customer, I have to select both customer name and the sales day during first 7 days → to return the name of the product

Could anyone help me with dax formula that allow me to get the product name in first 7 days when I click on each customer name only (& does not have to choose the date in the table 2)

0. Practice DAX Mastering 2A.pbix (450.7 KB)

Thanks in advanced

@hunghahuy 0. Practice DAX Mastering 2A.pbix (481.1 KB)

Total Transaction in First 7 Day Ant = 
VAR First_Date = 
        MIN ( 'Sales Orders'[OrderDate] ), 
        REMOVEFILTERS ( Products ) 
VAR FirstDates = 
    FILTER ( 
        Dates[Date] >= First_Date 
            &&  Dates[Date] <= First_Date + 7
VAR Result = 
        COUNTROWS ( Products ),
        KEEPFILTERS ( 
            CALCULATETABLE ( 
                DISTINCT ( Products[Product Index] ),
                CROSSFILTER ( 'Sales Orders'[Product Index], 'Products'[Product Index], BOTH )

Hello @hunghahuy,

Thank You for posting your query onto the Forum.

While my colleague @AntrikshSharma has already posted a solution, I just wanted to share my solution.

I’ve worked it in couple of ways i.e., one solution is in the form of “Total Transactions In First 7 Days (In Terms of Products Count)” whereas the other one is in the form of “Total Transactions In First 7 Days (In Terms of Products Names)”. Below are both the DAX measures alongwith the screenshot of the final results provided for the reference -

Products In First 7 Days - Product Count = 
                'Sales Orders' , 
                'Sales Orders'[OrderDate] , 
                Dates[Date] , 
                Customers[Customer Names] , 
                Products[Product Name] ) , 
            Dates[Date] >=  
                CALCULATE( MIN( 'Sales Orders'[OrderDate] ) , 
                    ALLEXCEPT( 'Sales Orders' , Customers[Customer Names] ) ) &&
            Dates[Date] <= 
                CALCULATE( MIN( 'Sales Orders'[OrderDate] ) , 
                    ALLEXCEPT( 'Sales Orders' , Customers[Customer Names] ) ) + 7 ) , 
        "@Product_Name" , 
        1 ) , 
    [@Product_Name] )
Products In First 7 Days - Product Names = 
IF( ISINSCOPE( Customers[Customer Names] ) , 
            15 , 
                        'Sales Orders' , 
                        'Sales Orders'[OrderDate] , 
                        Dates[Date] , 
                        Customers[Customer Names] , 
                        Products[Product Name] ) , 
                    VAR _Min_Date = 
                    CALCULATE( MIN( 'Sales Orders'[OrderDate] ) , 
                            ALLEXCEPT( 'Sales Orders' , Customers[Customer Names] ) )

                    Dates[Date] >= _Min_Date &&
                    Dates[Date] <= _Min_Date + 7 ) , 
                "@Product_Name" , 
                CALCULATE( MIN( Products[Product Name] ) ) ) , 
            [@Product_Name] , 
            ASC ) , 
        Products[Product Name] ,
        " , " ) , 
    BLANK() )

I’m also attaching the working of the PBIX file for the reference purposes.

Hoping you find this helpful.

Important Note: In your case, the figure for “Total Transactions for First 7 Days” is showcasing as 67 whereas the actual number of records for those transactions is 104.

Thanks and Warm Regards,

Total Transactions In First 7 Days - Harsh.pbix (454.5 KB)


Thank you @AntrikshSharma

Thank you @Harsh

But I wonder why the total in the second table (that has Product in first 7 Days - Product Counts) is different from the total in my measure “Total Transaction in First 7 Days”

Did I get the total wrong? Please correct me

Thank you

Hello @hunghahuy,

Yes, the total in the measure - “Total Transaction in First 7 Days” is incorrect because even if, you export the data to cross-verify and take a sum of that column then the total will be 104 and not 67.

The reason why, you’re seeing the total as 67 is because at a grand total level there’s no context transferred and therefore, it took the First Date at an overall level i.e., 14-Aug-2019 and added 7 days to it. So it created a range from 14-Aug-2019 to 21-Aug-2019.

To cross-check the above explanation, go to the “Sales Orders” table and select the range from 14-Aug-2019 to 21-Aug-2019 and you’ll see 67 rows of data being filtered. Below is the screenshot provided for the reference -

In case, you would like to learn more about fixing totals. Below is the link of the post provided for the reference pertaining to the topic - “Fix Incorrect Totals”.

Thanks and Warm Regards,

Thank you so much @Harsh

Now I understand my mistake

Thanks for your help

Best Regards

Hello @hunghahuy,

You’re Welcome!

We’re glad that we were able to assist you.

Thanks and Warm Regards,