Need help with DAX formula in a Matrix

Hello, I’ve been struggling to get the DAX right for a task and really could use the experts help here. Attached is the file which has sample data for my problem.

I’ll try to explain what I need to achieve here.
I have a table with both Projects and Demands and their respective portfolios in a Matrix table. I also have a Year and Month slicers along with Is Project slicer.

In my Matrix by default I want to show the Cumulative Amount for the Projects for the rest of year based on Month selection in the slicer but for Demands it’s always full year irrespective of slicer selection. I got it working but the problem is since it’s matrix I can’t figure out the totals.

To better understanding: for example if Jan is selected in Slicer , I want show these in my Matrix

  1. for Projects I want to show rest of the year Amount total except Jan
  2. for Demands full year amounts total
  3. I want to sum both Projects and Demands total at each level (still applying above logic)

Can someone please take a look at help me?
Thanks in advance and appreciate your help.
Issue.pbix (54.8 KB)


added the pbix with two measure

I hope this is the result you are looking for

kind regards


Issue project and demands.pbix (72.6 KB)