Need help in creating Table using Power Query

Hello Guys,

I am struggling to create a table using Power query in Excel2016 from the attached master sheet, wherein the sheet I was able to create Table1 and Table2 using GroupBy technique in PQ but Table3 is really challenging I was able to create this table using “Percentile” function which is available in MS Excel but unable to create the same using PQ.

Any help with this is really appreciating, I have attached screenshot and excel sheet for your reference.Salary Sheet.xlsx (10.6 KB)







Hello @Dharma

For the 3rd table you could use the M Query List.Percentile function.
Just use the “Group by” using MIN as starter and will result a code like this:

Source = BaseTable,
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(Source, {"Category", "State", "Job Title"}, {{"Min Salary", each List.Min([Salary]), type nullable number}})
#"Grouped Rows"

Then modify the column title and function to accommodate your needs like this:

Source = BaseTable,
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(Source, {"Category", "State", "Job Title"}, {{"10 Percentile", each List.Percentile([Salary],0.1), type nullable number}})
#"Grouped Rows"

I have attached the complete file.
Salary Sheet_L.xlsx (25.8 KB)

Is the “closest” table I could obtain, except the “AM All State” and “BM All State” that could be easily obtain into another table removing the “State” column from grouping.

Kind Regards,

Hi again,

To completely solve the 3rd table I had to create 2 intermediate tables to have the correct labels for grouping:


    Source = BaseTable,
    #"Inserted Merged Column" = Table.AddColumn(Source, "New Category", each Text.Combine({[Job Title], [State]}, " "), type text)
    #"Inserted Merged Column"


    Source = BaseTable,
    #"Inserted Merged Column" = Table.AddColumn(Source, "New Category", each Text.Combine({[Job Title], [Category]}, " "), type text)
    #"Inserted Merged Column"

And the last table (Table3-3) is an “append” of the above tables:

    Source = Table.Combine({#"Table3-1", #"Table3-2"}),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(Source, {"New Category"}, {{"10 Percentile", each Number.Round(List.Percentile([Salary],0.1),0), type nullable number},{"25 Percentile", each Number.Round(List.Percentile([Salary],0.25),0), type nullable number},{"33 Percentile", each Number.Round(List.Percentile([Salary],0.33),0), type nullable number},{"50 Percentile", each Number.Round(List.Percentile([Salary],0.5),0), type nullable number}}),
    #"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Grouped Rows",{{"New Category", Order.Ascending}})
    #"Sorted Rows"

And the complete Excel file: Salary Sheet_L2.xlsx (26.9 KB)

1 Like

Hi @Dharma,

Here’s an alternative, just paste each of these in a New Blank Query.

    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("jdS7bsMwDIXhVyk8ZyApUZcx3Tt1DDJ06JYx748KLpDW+Q+KekiM5AMpXuzLZYu2nbb3+8f909fN69v68DRbX+fb7WX/Y7uelut0JZJuwIWKVyrcnJMs/xmOZRRTjmVEHwPO/Lc77+Xa/uOTq3AzmdY6WHM2zyZYiGjOaB5qFsmsnbXGo9b46TFLjQArihUwF6wMsDnEvCZYVf09nO27I02M3xpdVW7QqbVz5lVb7IUsOS9PsibY5OHUmoTRrYvFPk5X/nzGLOli34qn8xlcWRedw3mqtlS4Jh5ZbwyndsUHw00RL5jWewo3WW42sfGHtuzjUG+e4mAtxYsxwKpihUl7P7LrFw==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#"Empl ID" = _t, State = _t, #"Job Title" = _t, Salary = _t, Category = _t]),
    ChType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Empl ID", Int64.Type}, {"State", type text}, {"Job Title", type text}, {"Salary", Int64.Type}, {"Category", type text}}),
    GroupAll = Table.Group(ChType, {"Category", "Job Title"}, {{"AllRows", each _, type table [Empl ID=nullable number, State=nullable text, Job Title=nullable text, Salary=nullable number, Category=nullable text]}}),
    AddAll = Table.AddColumn( GroupAll, "Temp", each
        let lSalary = List.Buffer( [AllRows][Salary] ) in
            { "Min Salary", "Median Salary", "Max Salary" },
                    List.Min( lSalary ),
                    List.Median( lSalary ),
                    List.Max( lSalary )
    )[[Category], [Job Title], [Temp]],
    ExpandTemp = Table.ExpandTableColumn(AddAll, "Temp", {"Min Salary", "Median Salary", "Max Salary"}, {"Min Salary", "Median Salary", "Max Salary"})



    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("jdS7bsMwDIXhVyk8ZyApUZcx3Tt1DDJ06JYx748KLpDW+Q+KekiM5AMpXuzLZYu2nbb3+8f909fN69v68DRbX+fb7WX/Y7uelut0JZJuwIWKVyrcnJMs/xmOZRRTjmVEHwPO/Lc77+Xa/uOTq3AzmdY6WHM2zyZYiGjOaB5qFsmsnbXGo9b46TFLjQArihUwF6wMsDnEvCZYVf09nO27I02M3xpdVW7QqbVz5lVb7IUsOS9PsibY5OHUmoTRrYvFPk5X/nzGLOli34qn8xlcWRedw3mqtlS4Jh5ZbwyndsUHw00RL5jWewo3WW42sfGHtuzjUG+e4mAtxYsxwKpihUl7P7LrFw==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#"Empl ID" = _t, State = _t, #"Job Title" = _t, Salary = _t, Category = _t]),
    ChType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Empl ID", Int64.Type}, {"State", type text}, {"Job Title", type text}, {"Salary", Int64.Type}, {"Category", type text}}),
    GroupState = Table.Group(ChType, {"State", "Job Title"}, {{"AllRows", each _, type table [Empl ID=nullable number, State=nullable text, Job Title=nullable text, Salary=nullable number, Category=nullable text]}}),
    AddAll = Table.AddColumn( GroupState, "Temp", each
        let lSalary = List.Buffer( [AllRows][Salary] ) in
            { "Min Salary", "Median Salary", "Max Salary" },
                    List.Min( lSalary ),
                    List.Median( lSalary ),
                    List.Max( lSalary )
    )[[State], [Job Title], [Temp]],
    ExpandTemp = Table.ExpandTableColumn(AddAll, "Temp", {"Min Salary", "Median Salary", "Max Salary"}, {"Min Salary", "Median Salary", "Max Salary"})



    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("jdS7bsMwDIXhVyk8ZyApUZcx3Tt1DDJ06JYx748KLpDW+Q+KekiM5AMpXuzLZYu2nbb3+8f909fN69v68DRbX+fb7WX/Y7uelut0JZJuwIWKVyrcnJMs/xmOZRRTjmVEHwPO/Lc77+Xa/uOTq3AzmdY6WHM2zyZYiGjOaB5qFsmsnbXGo9b46TFLjQArihUwF6wMsDnEvCZYVf09nO27I02M3xpdVW7QqbVz5lVb7IUsOS9PsibY5OHUmoTRrYvFPk5X/nzGLOli34qn8xlcWRedw3mqtlS4Jh5ZbwyndsUHw00RL5jWewo3WW42sfGHtuzjUG+e4mAtxYsxwKpihUl7P7LrFw==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#"Empl ID" = _t, State = _t, #"Job Title" = _t, Salary = _t, Category = _t]),
    ChType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Empl ID", Int64.Type}, {"State", type text}, {"Job Title", type text}, {"Salary", Int64.Type}, {"Category", type text}}),
    GroupAll = Table.Group(ChType, {"Category", "Job Title"}, {{"AllRows", each _, type table [Empl ID=nullable number, State=nullable text, Job Title=nullable text, Salary=nullable number, Category=nullable text]}}),
    GroupState = Table.RenameColumns( Table.Group(ChType, {"State", "Job Title"}, {{"AllRows", each _, type table [Empl ID=nullable number, State=nullable text, Job Title=nullable text, Salary=nullable number, Category=nullable text]}}), {"State", "Category"}),
    NewTable = Table.Combine( { GroupAll, GroupState } ),
    AddAll = Table.AddColumn( NewTable, "Temp", each
        let lSalary = List.Buffer( [AllRows][Salary] ) in
            { "10 Percentile", "25 Percentile", "33 Percentile", "50 Percentile" },
                    List.Percentile( lSalary, 0.10 ),
                    List.Percentile( lSalary, 0.25 ),
                    List.Percentile( lSalary, 0.33 ),
                    List.Percentile( lSalary, 0.50 )
    )[[Category], [Job Title], [Temp]],
    ExpandTemp = Table.ExpandTableColumn(AddAll, "Temp", {"10 Percentile", "25 Percentile", "33 Percentile", "50 Percentile"}, {"10 Percentile", "25 Percentile", "33 Percentile", "50 Percentile"})



Hi @Melissa @Lucian ,

Am getting the below error when trying to get the List.Percentile figure may be my Excel2016 doesn’t have this function is there any workaround for this?

Expression.Error: The import List.Percentile matches no exports. Did you miss a module reference?

Create a separate function for the percentile calculation, view source here:

/PercentileInclusive Function

(inputSeries as list, percentile as number) => 
    SeriesCount = List.Count(inputSeries),
    PercentileRank = percentile*(SeriesCount-1)+1, //percentile value between 0 and 1
    PercentileRankRoundedUp = Number.RoundUp(PercentileRank),
    PercentileRankRoundedDown = Number.RoundDown(PercentileRank),
    Percentile1 = List.Max(List.MinN(inputSeries,PercentileRankRoundedDown)),
    Percentile2 = List.Max(List.MinN(inputSeries,PercentileRankRoundedUp)),
    Percentile = Percentile1+(Percentile2-Percentile1)*(PercentileRank-PercentileRankRoundedDown)

Give this function query a proper name, like: fxPercentile
and call it instead of the List.Percentile function

Please note that this is a Power BI forum and although there are similarities between PQ in Excel and PBI there are differences as well - so post your Excel questions in an Excel forum. Thank you.

I hope this is helpful

Hi @Dharma, did the response provided by @Melissa and @Lucian help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

Hi @Dharma, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 13th of April. We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.

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