Need Help: Deneb Side by Side Custom Visual

I am struggling with a Deneb side-by side visual with a shared Y axis. I have gotten everything to work properly except for the highlighting. I know that I need the below code, but I have tried to figure out where and I am at a lost. I have attached a link to the PBIX. Can you please help me? Thank you!

        "opacity": {
          "condition": {
            "test": {
              "field": "__selected__",
              "equal": "off"
            "value": 0
          "value": 1
      "mark": {
        "type": "bar",
        "opacity": 0.3,
        "tooltip": true

Hi @dkernen
Unable to open the file.

Did you check out Deneb showcase forum to review some of the posting there?
Latest Deneb Showcase topics - Enterprise DNA Forum

Did you try using DataMentor AI tool that is built within the EDNA Platform to see if that would help?


Hi @dkernen.

(I didn’t have any issues with your original link; Box asked me to download the file first and it then opened without issue … not sure what the issue was …)

I’m not sure what the issue was with implementing highlighting in your existing Deneb/Vega-Lite code, but after a couple of short and failed attempts to modify it, I created a new visual from scratch that was much simpler and everything worked fine.

As a first point, the recommended method to implement highlighting is with two overlapping marks; the background mark with reduced opacity and the foreground mark with conditional opacity (if __selected = on then 1 else 0). See the Deneb website for more details.

Regardless, here’s what I came up with (I didn’t spend any time matching your formatting … just created a working visual).

A few notes:

  • you don’t need to use aggregates; Power BI has already aggregated the data
  • you don’t need to use the “resolve” block; Vega-Lite resolves the same Y axis for all by default
  • the original visual only had 1 bar mark per section (e.g., Requests), where 2 marks are recommended for highlighting

Hope it helps.
eDNA Forum - Deneb Highlighting Issues - V1.pbix (3.0 MB)

getting this error when i try to open the file

Failed to Decrypt Cedentials

Don’t have information to login into box

Hard for people in the forum to download the file if you don’t have Box login user name.

Greg, thank you! Oh my goodness. I will work on getting the tooltips back on.

Yes, I know that the left version in the file only had the one mark. Every time I tried to add the second, I couldn’t get the highlighting to work, so I kept going back to the version without highlighting and starting from scratch (again and again and again). Later in the day, I added a version that had two marks in the last column so I could show what wasn’t working. Not sure if you were so speedy and saw the first version or not.

Thank you! You’ve made my weekend. -Dawn

Yes, I’ve tried both options! Perhaps you can open with this link? It’s the same just without the app in the middle:

same error i get.

you know that you can upload directly into edna forum using the upload button within the message box instead of applying to box which i could cannot get too.


@Greg Unfortunately, when one of my values is null, then it doesn’t keep a placeholder in the y-axis. For example, I replaced the Amt Recommended in Power Query of $3,400,000 with null and then only three bars showed up for the two amt rec metrics. Any thought as to how to resolve that?

Hi @dkernen.

This thread has already been solved. It is discouraged on this forum to reply to a solved thread. Please instead create a new thread for each new question.

Regardless, simply replace the null value in your Deneb/Vega-Lite code using a “calculate” transform and, if desired, filter-out the undesired label.

Hope it helps.
eDNA Forum - Deneb Highlighting Issues - V2.pbix (3.0 MB)

@Greg I put the resolve/shared y axis. Now I am back in business!