Multiple Datasets in Same Report

Hi All,

Is it possible to use Multiple Published Datasets in a single .pbix file?
I.E. Pull datasets from the service into a single PowerBI Desktop file.
I don’t think it is possible, but may be missing something?


yes, this is possible, but there are some considerations to take into account:

  1. you must enable the preview feature: “DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Analysis Services”
    there is a ‘learn more’ link, which I recommend checking out, as it will walk through the differences in working with your data this way.
  2. connect to the primary dataset as your normally would - here you can see I am connected to a single dataset:
  3. when you go to connect to the second dataset, you will see the following warning:
  4. once you have clicked to “add a local model”, you’ll need to connect to the second dataset (following the normal steps), and you will get another warning message:
  5. after clicking OKAY, both datasets will be loaded together.

Note that I now have two calendar tables - one from each of my datasets (the color coding is handled automatically by the program) - other tables have also been duplicated, but because they were named differently in my two datasets, they do not get a number after them. You will need to work out for yourself, which tables you want as the filter tables, and create the appropriate relationships. I suggest hiding the filtered table from the report view to make this easier for development.

Multiple PowerBI YouTube channels have covered this topic, but I think Marco Russo does a great job of explaining some of the things you really have to watch out for:


Thank you @Heather, will look into this…

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