I’ve built a pretty large O365 Usage report using 8 DataFlows in our current workspace. A few of us got access to the Premium Per user this week so we created a new workspace.
I want to move my dataflows and O365 Usage report over to the new workspace.
A) The dataflows are easy to move, I simply extracted the json file and uploaded it into the new workspace.
I can’t seem to figure out how to change the DataFlow source in the report? I want the report to reference the dataflows in the new workspace.
What’s odd is that I see both workspaces when i click on “transform data”. However, I don’t know how to redirect the report to the (PUU) workspace?
Take a look at the next step in your M code (the Navigation step) - that should have a reference to the dataflow id, which can be updated to point to the correct source.
IMPORTANT - you need to change the ID only, and update it exactly as you see it in the Source preview.
Example - this is the dataflowid from one of my dataflows (showing in the Navigation step)
Stepping back to my Source step, when I highlight the Data column from one of my workspaces, I see the following (top image shows highlighting the Data selection, bottom image shows the preview that should appear below the table after highlighting):
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