So I am setting up a Dates table like shown in the Date Table video. The problem is an academic year is different than a sales fiscal year in that the following is true:
Month 1 is July
Month 2 is August
Month 3 is September
Month 4 is October
Month 5 is November
Month 6 is December
Month 7 is January
Month 8 is February
Month 9 is March
Month 10 is April
Month 11 is May
Month 12 is June
The date table that I created an added a column called Month Number using "Month Number = ‘Dates’[Date].[MonthNo]) does not create an opportunity for me to define the months by an academic year setup.
I switched over to using the M Script you created in resources and had it set so that start month was equal to 7. Then I just told it to sort by the DateInt Column.
Other note on this is that it still treats July as Q3 instead of Q1. I could just not use Quarters since we dont traditionally use it in higher education but it is something if possible I would like to keep just show Q1 as July, August, Sept, Q2 as October, November, December, Q3 as January, February, March, Q4 as April, May, June.