Measures for balance sheet items


i have created a table of a long list of measures (dax calculations) for financial calculations. it has no relationship to any other tables.

as income statement / profit & loss items are presented with cummalative/running totals, the measures i created for profit & loss items look like this:

60000-Supplies = 

since balance sheet items are supposed to presented at a particular point in time (i.e. not cummalative), i’m not sure how the dax calculations are supposed to be for them. also, how do i present it in reports for each month and each year. i’d appreciate any help for these.

tks & krgds, -nik

Hi @nikahafiz,

You can use LASTNONBLANK function to get your required results. Please see video from Sam video.

In case of any confusion, please let me know.

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many tks for yr suggestion, @hafizsultan.

for balance sheet items that only involve month-end total, i have managed to come out with following dax (in this case, it’s for cash, a typical example of current assets, that comes/is filtered under account_group_code=10000):

10000-cash.month-end =

for profit & loss item, i have created 2 types of totals i.e. month-end and cummulative/year-to-date as follows (in this case, it’s for supplies expense that comes/is filtered under account_group_code=60000):

a. month-end total

60000-supplies.month-end =
SUM ( ‘fin’[Amount] ),
‘chart.of.acct’[Account_Group_Code] = 60000,
ENDOFMONTH ( ‘fin’[Date] )

b. cummulative/year-to-date

60000-supplies.cummulative =
IF (
COUNTROWS ( ‘fin’ ),
TOTALYTD ( [60000-supplies], ‘cldr’[Date] )

the preceding dax for ‘60000-supplies’ will be as follows:

SUM ( ‘fin’[Amount] ),
‘chart.of.acct’[Account_Group_Code] = 60000

many tks again & kind regards, - nik